Torturous Death

Elias quietly watched her sleep in his arms. She used his arm as a pillow and had nestled herself against him. She buried her face into his shoulders, her soft breathing tickling his neck. 

He had never felt this type of sensation before—to embrace someone in their sleep. In the past, way before she was born, he would never stay the night. Ever. Kisses were prohibited, and so were hugs. But she broke all of his rules, staying in his arms as he kissed her dearly.


Elias glanced at her with worry. She liked to mumble and grumble in her sleep. Sometimes, it was incoherent words, other times, he could barely make out her pronunciation. She was curled up like a cat. Without warning, she shifted her body. She threw a leg over his waist and placed a palm on his chest, right where his heart was.
