Living On The Streets

Adeline watched as Elias headed for the car. He winked in her direction and she looked away, hiding a slight smile. 

She ignored the disgruntled look on Aunt Eleanor's face, who was displeased by the public display of affection. Wordlessly, she followed her Aunt and Uncle into the estate, knowing Elias was right behind her, but perhaps elsewhere and out of sight. 

They went up the grand staircase and down the hallways leading to Viscount Marden's study room.

"You've gotten fat, Adeline." Aunt Eleanor pinched her niece's cheeks, frowning in disapproval. "Any more bites and you'd resemble a pig ready for slaughter. Have you been eating too much in the castle? You must watch your weight."

Adeline's smile disappeared. 

"Perhaps instead of worrying about my body, you should stop projecting your insecurities onto me," Adeline said. She saw her Uncle stiffen and turn around, a dark glower on his face.