To See Her Cry

Elias was the first to wake up. He rarely slept at night and would often work for 24-hours and more. His body didn't need sleep the ways humans do. However, there were times he indulged in sleep as a way to freshen his mind. In contrast to a human's eight hours of required sleep, he only needed four.

Elias stroked Adeline's smooth, creamy cheeks. He smiled down at her and brushed the hair from her forehead. 

There was a lot to do today. 

She slept peacefully by his side, tucked into his arms. Even now, she was tightly grabbing onto his shirt, as if he'd dare to go anywhere.

"What a cute little prey." 

Elias bent down and kissed her on the forehead. She slightly squirmed and scooted even closer towards him, most likely relishing in his icy presence. He always found it intriguing how warm she was. It must've been nice to have hot-blood pumping through her body.

"Sleep well."