
When the moon was high in the sky, its light drifted through the gardens, Elias headed for the tower his Grandmother was in. 

Through the small, stone windows, he could see the gardens where Adeline had confessed her love for him. He was proud of taking her to that small, secluded garden, instead of the grand, main one behind the castle that people always boasted about.

Suddenly, he thought of Adeline and the thought of bragging about her.

The thought of her meek nature, shy smiles, and slow confession made him smile a bit. She was adorable when flustered, yet there was something wise about her words.

He couldn't put a finger on it, but he didn't feel like doing that either. She just humored him, that's all. And perhaps, humored him too much, to the point of where he wanted to possess all of her—body, heart, and soul. He'd stop at nothing to acquire all three.

Some could say he was obsessed, others would say he's crazy. He preferred the latter.