Replace Pain With Pleasure

[WARNING: The following contains sexual contents.]

Adeline woke up in an icy embrace. His limbs were cold and generated no heat upon her skin, but that was fine. She was naturally too warm and enjoyed the frigid touch of his limbs upon hers. The only problem was, his arms were heavy, and they had been wrapped tightly around her body. 

He hugged her dearly, her back pressed against his powerful chest, his face nestled upon her neck, his lips lightly tickling the sensitive skin. It didn't seem like he'd let her go anytime soon.

"Elias?" she mumbled, wondering if he was awake.

"Yes, darling?"

Adeline's eyes widened out of surprise. She didn't think he was awake. Then again, vampires did not sleep as much.

"How long have you been awake?" she asked.