Who Do You Think I Am?

Just as Elias climbed into the bed, Adeline spoke up. "Will you really show me what's downstairs?"

Elias settled comfortably into the blankets. He laid down and opened his arms out for her. Adeline remained sitting, her lips pulled into a slight frown. He smirked at her disgruntled expression. The bed dipped when he leaned sideways and grabbed her waist. 

Adeline remained seated in the bed, even when she felt the pressure tug of his arm. 

"I will," Elias promised.

"And you won't try to clean the basement, get rid of whatever is down there, and move things without my permission?"

"Any more loopholes you can think of, darling?" Elias returned, rolling his eyes. "Do you really have that little trust in me?"


"Smart girl." Elias's smirk widened when she pushed his arm off of her waist. He liked this side of her the most. She must've thought she was so strong and arrogant, but she was just adorable and feisty.