A Hypocrite

Because he wanted her to run, Adeline didn't. Because he wanted to see her throw a tantrum like a child, Adeline didn't. Instead, she jerked her chin away from him and walked up the staircase without making a sound. She ignored how easily he slammed the metal door open with one hand, when it took her entire body to push it with it creaking.

She ignored the sound of his footsteps following after her quiet ones. She ascended the staircase, feeling his breathing down her back. She walked all the way to the floor where their bedroom was. Past the bodyguards, past the darkness, she found herself standing at their bedroom.

She could practically see his smirk in the darkness. He was most likely gloating now. Gloating at the fact that she was walking to his bedroom on her own accord—as if growing familiar with the action. It was muscle memory now, to stop at his doorway, and walk through.

"Go in. What are you waiting for?" Elias mused from behind her.