Gossip About The Queen

Adeline was moved to a new room. Well, in particular, she was sent back to her old room, the one that was directly next to Elias's. 

It seemed in his rage, when she was asleep, the room had been destroyed. She didn't say anything when the maids rolled in the food, when they asked her if it was too hot or cold, or when they asked why she didn't touch the food.

Adeline just continued to stare out the window, until her eyes practically burned from looking at one thing for so long. 

Adeline felt numb and hollow on the inside, her heart laid bleeding on the ground. When she didn't touch the food, the maids left with the cold dishes, then came back with another platter of newly cooked, warmed food.

"Please, Your Grace, you must have a bite," Jenny begged at the bedside of the Queen. She was on her knees, with a face of worry.