Living Until a Thousand

Elias had never held Adeline so tightly in bed. She was lying on her side, the blankets in between her legs as she hugged it like a pillow. His arms were woven protectively around her, loose on her stomach, but tight on her chest. He hugged her like a koala refusing to let go. He embraced her as if it was their last.

Despite that, Adeline was beginning to fall asleep. She had never felt this much love except in this moment. He was the best hugger, and she'd never admit it.

"Sleep well, darling," Elias muttered. 

Elias pressed himself even closer to her, until her back was flat against his chest and nothing could come in between them. Not even the world's thinnest paper could.

Elias never thought a heartbeat could be so comforting. But listening to her slow breaths and rhythmic heartbeat, he smiled. She was nestled in his arms, nowhere to run, nowhere to go. She was entirely his, and he'd never let that change.