When He Had The Chance

"Liddy!" Adeline sharply gasped, even though she had made that audacious comment directly to Elias before.

"I'm just kidding, of course," Lydia remarked. "But if you're thinking about it… I own multiple houses and condos, all of which you can occupy if you want to run away from your overbearing husband."

Adeline quietly laughed. "I don't think I'll run from him. At most, I'll kick him out of his bedroom."

Lydia raised a brow. She leaned her chin on her arm and stared at her pretty friend. Adeline wasn't doing anything, and Lydia fell in love anyways. There was something so soothing about Adeline's presence. 

"Sounds like you've done this before," Lydia remarked.

Adeline sheepishly smiled. Just then, the food arrived. A waitress came in with a tray of food, covered by a silver dome. The utensils were polished until they were more reflective than a mirror. She brightened up at the sight of the steak, juicy and moist.