Rumor Has It

The castle was tense and awkward. The employees did their work as usual. The janitors cleaned the hallways, the chefs prepared everyone's meals, and the gardener trimmed the bushes, but everyone could sense the eagerness. 

They wanted to know if the Queen was really pregnant, but no one had gotten a glimpse of her. She was on the highest floor of the castle, where the King and Queen resided. It had the craziest security system, and only selected employees were allowed to serve her.

Those that did serve her were wise enough to keep their mouths shut. But the more silence over the issue, the more people became curious.

"If the Queen really is pregnant, we should serve her like it is her last day here…"

"Yes, every day we must treat her much better than yesterday, for her time in this world is limited."

"Our Queen is so lovely, but she's human. What a pitiful thing… To lose her life for the sake of an heir."