Purple Aliens

Everything happened so quickly. The doctors rushed in and began their work, first ensuring the babies were completely safe and healthy, then they rushed to the Queen. 

They tried to escort everyone out, but no one would budge. With no authority to rebuttal the King themselves, the doctors focused all of their efforts on the Queen. They stitched up the surprisingly clean cut as a few began hooking her up to machines that were wheeled in.

It was to no avail. The Queen's vitals were extremely low, and signs of her survival were growing dimmer by the second. It was clear that she would not be waking up any time soon.

"Your Majesty," one of the doctors said, his body visibly trembling, just like his hands. 

The doctor had never been in the presence of the King and never imagined him to be so intimidating. He shook in his shoes as he bowed his head in defeat.

"W-we did the best that we could, but—"