Murderous Rage

Weston tossed and turned in his bed, groaning in irritation. He could hear the faint cries of the babies, despite being on a completely different wing in the castle. Easton, who was only a few rooms down, must've heard the same thing, for the twins hopped out of bed at the same time and glanced at each other. 

"You go," Easton said, not wanting to get on the King's last nerves, since it was a command to not disturb the screeching babies at night.

"They've been crying like this for three days," Weston solemnly said, despite just rolling around in bed, infuriated by the sound.

"Surely, it'd damage their lungs if we let this continue," Weston added on. The babies never stopped crying at night and sometimes, the twins would sneak in, heat up some milk, and put the pacifier in their mouths afterwards.