
Elias held the babies whilst Adeline took turns breastfeeding each of them. He was curiously watching and realized it was a bit inconvenient with her current nightgowns. He'd get her a new wardrobe and fix their bedroom tomorrow. It'd be as if nothing major happened, and life was resuming back to normal. 

But as Elias watched Adeline caress Elios's face, with that same naive, hesitant smile he loved, a part of him stirred. Their babies will stay young for a while, but what will happen to Adeline?

Whilst her skin turns into leather, his will be eternally youthful. Whilst her bones become brittle, he'd only grow stronger.

"Heh, look at his face," Adeline cooed, humored by how drunken Elios looked on milk. Elios had a satisfied expression on his face, his eyes barely open after she had burped him. 

Adeline softly swayed side to side, hoping to lull the children back to sleep. "We should have them by our side in the bedroom."