A Warning

Lydia gawked at him like he was crazy. To say that out loud and arrogantly, did he not have shame?! Still, her stomach fluttered, and she had a feeling she'd quite enjoy that. Regardless, she was too stubborn to admit it and simply rolled her eyes.

"As if you'll ever be able to bend me over your knees," Lydia scoffed, walking out of the door and beginning to lock it. 

Lydia tried to ignore his cold body hovering over hers, watching her type in the combination. He was tall and towered over her, preventing her from hiding the passcode.

"I conquer every challenge that comes my way," Weston remarked, standing incredibly close to her. He could pin her against the door if he wished. 

Lydia swallowed. She didn't want to turn around and look into his dark eyes. Sometimes, they were bright red when his emotions were on high alert. But most of the time, they were a dark brown.