You Like To Pretend

Elias laid Adeline onto the bed, watching her body bouncing a bit on the mattress. His eyes flickered to her and before she could move, he pinned her wrists down. 

Adeline looked up at him wide eyed before her attention shifted to his manhood that seemed ready to break through his pants. It was straining against the material and he noticed her legs twitch.

"How cute," Elias taunted. "Were you trying to clench your legs together as usual, darling?" 

"No… of course not," Adeline lied. It was impulsive that she was trying to move her legs. It was out of habit—an instinct because of how large he was.

Elias lowered his body onto hers, grunting lowly when her lips touched his hardened member. He brushed his lips against her ears and kissed it.

"What would you like today, darling?" Elias murmured, his fingers digging into her wrists when she bit her bottom lip.