Lydia & Weston's SS Part 1: Auntie Lydia

Three years later.

"Have you seen Mr. Weston today?"

"Oh, yes! His skin seems to be glowing today as well. It looks like he's gained muscle too."

"Yes, yes! Last time Ms. Stella saw him break the practice dummy with a single hit of his hand."

"I wonder what led to such a powerful development…"

As usual, the maids were gossiping amongst themselves whilst doing their chores for the day. They couldn't help the topic that always drifted to Weston, who despite his gloomy stare, was still praised by many women here. Though, they were curious if he was drinking more blood than usual, for his strength seemed to have multiplied. No one knew why, except a selected few.

"And last time, I saw—"


The maids quickly clamped their mouths shut when the man himself walked past the hallways. Everyone stole a glimpse in his direction, a few daydreamers sighing, wishing he could belong to them.