Welcome To The Karma Shop


She knew when she left them with that bunch of unhinged wolves, that it wasn't going to be easy, but then she refused to stay and watch in pity. She knew that there would be worse than what she had imagined for him.

And she knew that this was her finally getting free of the cruelest and the worst accusation of her life. Maybe that was why she watched them from her suite, watching as they took in the new reality of what they had done and how much they had fucked her innocence up. 

She watched them as they tried to grapple with reality in the hope that they would be better people, but wasn't it a little too late for that? Perhaps this was what the world would look like for them.

"You?" Theo asked as he looked at his alpha, the man they had gone to war with and for even when they knew that they were a little too rushed. They had gone with him without question and what they wore hearing about him wasn't making any sense to them.