This Was What Life Would Be 


"What's happening?" Mbali asked.

"The protective domes are coming down," Elodie stated in surprise.

The Sicario dome had been active for more than a year now and it was impossible for it to come down. The fact that it was down when they were right in the middle of a war was something that they needed to think of. 

There was just no way that they had to deal with this too. So hurriedly, the five knights stepped out of Mbali's room to see for themselves what the fuck was going on. This wasn't part of the plan and they were all confused as to why in all hell it was happening. 

Perhaps there was a better explanation, right?

"What could have triggered this?" Mbali wondered when she stepped out along with the Sicario wolves. They were all having the same confusion on their faces as the warriors readied themselves for a war that was probably inbound.