Don Gozo Rise.

- Informal investigation team: Boss, Recruit, and Subordinate. -

"The police was of course extremely surprise to find a smiling nine-year-old child at the corner, a child that watched everything unfold and was just there smiling like its the happiest day of its life. That was the day Gozo broke for the first time."(Boss).

"The police immediately started an investigation to understand what the hell had just happened. And soon found out what kind of scum the mother was, by the kid stories they soon had a clear picture of the kind of scum Gazo killed."(Boss).

"The police officer says 'What a pity, maybe if he had divorced and gone to court she would've been sent to jail', but everyone in the room knows that this affirmation is false, everyone is well aware that hot women live their life on easy mode, and by what type fo scums he was she would probably have slept with all of the courts before the judgment, so even if the officer said these things most men there know how it would normally go."(Boss).

"The child was soon sent to an orphanage, 1969 isn't exactly the time where normal people were concerned about mental health, so most people simply didn't care, much less for an orphan with no money or influence."(Boss).

"Gozo was sent to one of the numerous catholic orphanages in Rome. The nun matron of the orphanage was a strict woman, but at least she didn't beat him, so she was the best in Gozo's mind. Sadly with Gozo's twisted and a broken mind, he ended up entering in more problems than a normal kid. For him, stealing, cheating, and killing animals wasn't wrong, simply a way of life, a way of life he had been shown and taught."(Boss).

"The nun bless her patience, soon had to do something, and did what people in 1969 did to misbehaving kids. They beat them. In Gozo's eyes's the nun was simply showing her true colors, like his mother she started beating him, so Gozo soon reached the conclusion to women were evil, the absolute evilest beings of the world. Women only want to cause him pain and suffering, so they must be the true evil he heard about, they are the Demon the priest that comes to preach at the orphanage talked about"(Boss)

"So all women are evil and the Demon was his conclusion. He soon grew between the beating he took and the way he acted, he had few friends. Only one friend to be exact, Breno Tchola, a kid one year older than Gozo, but he always protected him from the older kid's bullying, so even if the nun beat Gozo a lot, he at least wasn't bullied thanks to Tchola."(Boss).

"In the middle of such things Gozo grew, he had a love for books and learning finding relief and refuge in the world of pages and letters. Sadly even with his book companions his view of women being the purest form of evil only grew, He was of course sent to school thanks to the orphanage, and what he expected would be a relief from the matron ended up being equally as bad."(Boss)

"His teacher which was a woman was a no-nonsense kind of person. Any disobedient and rowdy students she immediately sent them to kneel on corn. Mildy misbehaving was met with a strong slap of her huge wooden ruler. Gozo was of course the principal target of her. And this only reinforced even more his idea that women were evil."(Boss).

"Due to his resentment and the way he was suffering he made a solemn vow. That he would never believe or trust any women in his life. Life for Gozo continued like that, being beaten and his hate for women only grew with time."(Boss).

"But life goes own and soon Gozo was twelve. On this year Gozo learned to hate something even more than women, something that Gozo started to hate with a burning passion."(Boss).

"You see, in the orphanage, there was a boy named Tom. Well, calling Tom a boy is a complete lie, Tom is 18 and soon he will have to exit the orphanage, he is just waiting for his papers to finish and soon he would be out in the world. But there is a problem with Tom, Tom is the worst of the worst, the scum of the scum, Stan looks at Tom and thinks he is too much. Tom is a pedophile. He loves to target young boys and girls, and just talking about him makes me want to puke. Normally he would abstain himself from the target the habitants of the orphanage, the nun watches everyone like a hawk after all, and the moment he does something she would send him to the authorities. But as he is close to exiting the orphanage he wants his exit to be special."(Boss).

"He wants to leave his mark here so he chooses a boy for the orphanage, but he can't choose someone young as the nun is too watchful of them. But there is someone who isn't liked by anyone, Gozo. With his target chosen he set out to do it."(Boss).

"He picked Gozo 'unware' and distracted, cornered him and said the typical speech that gets most under his thumb. Sadly for him, Gozo isn't most people, Gozo has been hardened by hatred and a shitty life, That moment when Tom described the things he usually did to the younglings, Gozo felt truly angry, for the first time Gozo hated something more than women because even for someone as distorted and fucked up as Gozo pedophilia is the fucking worst, now Gozo knows something way worse and viler than any women could be."(Boss).

"Taking a brick he found on the ground and using the time Tom si wasting on his vomit-inducing speech about his exploits. Gozo swings the brick as hard as he can and hit Tom on the head, Tom immediately falls over due to the impact. And Gozo did as his father taught him, he griped the brick with all of his strength and hep hitting the scum's head."(Boss).

"Soon the police came to the location due to the noise. The first thing they saw was the Dead body of Tom. they immediately apprehended Gozo and soon he was questioned. Seeing how much scum and the testimony of other kids that seem extremely happy with Tom's death they were able to get Gozo out of the trouble."(Boss).

"But the matron didn't like it. For her Gozo was a killer now, and she didn't like killers, even the righteous ones. Even the teachings of the holy scripture seem to elude her as she beat Gozo more and more. Gozo already knowing that women were evil and they only lost to the pedophiles didn't seems surprised by the outcome, of course, the second most evil being would be sad about the death of the worst one."(Boss).

"At fourteen Gozo thought it was enough, he suffered at the clutches of the evil being long enough, so he decided to run away. His best friend Breno Tchola runs away with him, and soon both were on the street. Surviving on the streets wasn't easy but with Gozo ruthless and little care for human life, and Tchola incredible charisma and ability to draw crowds they were able to survive and thrive on the streets."(Boss).

"At fifteen both impressed a member of the mob and were adopted in the Italian mafia. And soon they quickly rose in ranks, with Tchola selling drugs with his silver tongue it was said he was able to sell drugs to even the toughest of priests. And Gozo as a money collector. Both excelled in their areas and at 16 were promoted."(Boss).

"Tchola practically controls a whole lot of drug dealing now. And Gozo became a hitman. Soon they continue climbing and climbing the ranks, and in 1978 when Gozo was 19 years old he took control of one of the biggest mafias of Italy."(Boss).

"Now on the control of the mob, Don Gozo put some rules that must be followed to the very letter. Even with the disagreement of his friend Tchola he still put those rules. Now the mob was more organized, more efficient, the jobs gave more money, and they would soon expand."(Boss).

"The problem with those rules is that Don Gozo didn't extend its protection to women, so the members of the mob were free to do anything to them, while the most hateful creatures pedophiles were punished with neutering and beheading."(Boss).

"Everything was rather stable and doing great, so for the first time in his life, Don Gozo decided that he need something different and away from the mob. He soon found his interest in Archeology, for him studying the ancient civilizations of the past while also being on the field searching for more clues was a passion that he didn't know he had, but he was sure glad for it."(Boss).

"He left Tchola in the command, and he would periodically fly to different archeological sites to discover and learn new things, he made a lot of friends and comrades in the field. It was good and enjoyable, something he really appreciated."(Boss).

"But everything changed when he was invited to an Aztec ruins excavation by one of his friends, he of course really agreed, Don Gozo left Tchola in command of the mob he went to the Aztec ruins. On these exact Ruins, he found the [Crimson Flesh And Diamond Technique]. Unfortunately, I don't know how he found it, even reading Don Gozo's diaries and asking and buying a lot of info I couldn't piece it together."(Boss).

"After finding this Technique the already ever-growing Don Gozo didn't stop. Now with a super resident skin and strength bought by cultivating, he soon dominated and expanded, even more, he found and entered the world of murim head-on. Took some other cultivation techniques and distributed them to his subordinates, and soon the now strangest mob of Europe was filled to the brim with cultivators."(Boss).

"They, of course, started Clashing with other big factions but different of then Don Gozo went and fought on the front lines, their principal clash was of course with the Vatican. But they couldn't exactly send the pope to fight in the front lines, and see as he is the holder of the origin technique..."(Boss).