Towards the murim alliance.

While I was just meditating and preparing myself for the future events Shi-Woon is in some absolute chase sequence right now. If I remember correctly there are some pretty cool scenes where he clearly demonstrates the strength of his spirit.

Inside the taxi even in my meditative state, I could clearly feel the rain. The droplets of water slowly falling and wetting the window of the taxi, the low hum of the engine which would sometimes be interrupted by the loud thunder. At this time I felt I could truly appreciate the beauty of life.

I don't know what rain has to do with it. But every time I look outside and it's raining I get in some melancholic mood... It's difficult to explain, it feels like the rain washes my masks and brings forth some of my more depressing moods.

I couldn't help but remember some of the worst I've been through in this life... The death of my father, the months I lost when I was at the deepest of my Depression, my mother's disease. It all felt so desperate, yet I couldn't help but cling to hope, hope that this new wacky world would bring some solutions to my problems. I don't expect to have answers to everything, I am no God after all. But I just want...


Thunder roared in the background seemly telling me to stop moping and thinking about the depressive things. Because even if I have all those negatives in my life... I also have the positives... Wei, my best friend, My cool powers, A new world of cultivation that simply feels incredible to explore, some new friends I made yesterday...

I guess that is life, both the good and the bad. We just need to continue on this adventure enduring its ups and downs.




The taxi seemly following my mood took its sweet time to reach the destination. Or maybe that is just the impression I got due to my anxiety at this moment. Paying the Taxi driver and exiting the vehicle I was now outside in the rain.

I could clearly see the murim alliance building, there is a great tension in the air, it feels like there is something heavy or like a beast of prey waiting to jump on me. Looking at the building that will be the center of attention tonight I proceed to walk to the other side of the street.

The building was completely empty, but I am not that surprised by it, as it was kinda expected that the alliance would "close" all the surroundings, I must've lucked out on being able to enter this closure by taxi, thankfully I decided to come here earlier.

Of course, I can't enter this building by the front, that would be dumb and probably alert the whole alliance. But there is another way I could enter it using the fire exit. Going to the back of the building I found a door that is the fire exit. But before doing anything stupid I pick up a mask and cover my face, thankfully they don't have cameras in the fire exit.

The problem is that there are some metal fences and dumpsters around. The metal fence is of course close with a lock and changing, while the fire exit is most probably also closed. That would be a problem if I was a normal person.

I did check things with my [Sharingan] to verify if there is anything suspicious around, thankfully there wasn't anything suspicious here beside me. Taking deep breaths I started using [Ripple], my body started shining and flashing yellow, crouching to get an impulse and I tried to jump over the fence.

With my [Sharingan] I could see everything in extreme slow motion, which the [Sharingan] I could see that my jump wasn't strong enough for me to jump over the fence, thankfully I was able to use the fence to give me another impulse, which I used to grab the top of the fence.

Griping the top of the fence I use the strength of my arms and the [Ripple] to toss myself over the fence. Falling to the ground I was able to retain my equilibrium with the help of [Ripple] and my body.

Getting myself together I walk toward the door of the fire exit. From my backpack, I pick up a compass, filling the compass with [Ripple] I approach the door. Using my [Sharingan I was able to see inside the lock of the fire exit.

Picking up the compass filled with [Ripple] energy I stab the door lock strongly. There was quite a noise, as a mark appeared in the lock, I continued hitting the lock with the compass filled with [Ripple] energy.

After some more hits, the lock broke and the door opened. I didn't turn on the lights or tried to find them, the [Sharingan] didn't need lights to see after all. Thankfully the fire exit in close to the stairs, so I just start going up.

I decided to stay on one of the middle-upper floors of the building as it is probably a good place where I would be able to see both the street and the murim alliance building clearly, probably with he [Sharingan] I wouldn't need binoculars, but I still bought it for convenience sake, I don't know if I would really need it, but I guess being prepared could do wonders.

Reaching my chosen floor I was quite surprised to see that it was under construction. Guess it's one less door I would need to break. Reaching a good position close to the windows I just started waiting for the action to begin.




I had been waiting for quite a long time when suddenly I could feel the atmosphere become heavier, tenser, and even if it wasn't anywhere cold I could feel a strange chill in the air. Suddenly a figure appeared, a figure I could recognize. It was Chun-Woo.

He arrived kicking the door and asking if that was the Murim alliance building, which of course caused a lot of commotion, the Goomoonryong has just kicked their door and demanded some answers. All this time I couldn't help but see the Alliance chief with a somehow mixed expression, he appears to be happy and concerned at the same time.

The funniest shit was when the chief looked at the Goomoonryong and the guy simply flipped the table and showed him the middle finger, it was so satisfying seeing something like that. Those prudes and uptight cultivators that have toa ct as if they are in a wuxia got a frigging middle finger.

Of course, most of the elders started acting like a bunch of rabid dogs, they quickly run outside of the building to face the "evil" Goomoonryong, who was just there waiting for them patiently. The elder of the Iron Body School was the most reckless, he quickly advanced to face the Goomoonryong with what should be some very threatening steps, sadly for him the Goomoonryong just smiled with bloodlust seemly welcoming the new challenger.