Medicine Clan.

After finishing my third call I could already relax for a bit, I simply went with my normal routine and got to school. It was the same old of always, nothing new or interesting happened. And I am completely cool with that, I already have too much on my plate at this moment to want to embark on some adventure.

The good thing is that I have a pretty big library inside of my mind full of information and entertainment I engraved on it, thank you [Sharingan], so this sounds the perfect occasion to read so brain dead shonen manga where the only thing I have to worry about is how cool the fights are. No stakes, no depression, no responsibilities, just how cool my big and flash power is and how I use it. Truly a masterpiece for relaxation.

When I sat down a little bit later than normal on my chair in class I couldn't help but notice that Shi-Woon wasn't here yet, meaning that he really went to extract his blood and will be arriving a little bit late. Nice seeing that he is really doing his part of the agreement.

I had doubts, I always have doubts. But I guess Shi-Woon is a truly honest fellow when it comes to this kind of thing. There were other means of getting what I wanted but none of them were as nice and clean as this one. It may sound cold, but this is my mother I am talking about, there is little I wouldn't do to save her, she literally birthed me so this is just the minimum I should do.

Classes flowed as normal, and lo and behold when at the end of the second class Shi-Woon appeared, and he indeed used the blood donating excuse saying it was something he did every year and this day was the only one they had available.

Confronted with such noble prospects the teacher eventually caved in and let Shi-Woon continue the classes as normal. So much drama for such a minor thing, those teachers sometimes take school too seriously for their own good.

Soon enough it was lunchtime and while Shi-Woon and Jinie probably went to find Ji-gun and schedule their supposed future fight on canon. But I don't doubt these events will be a tad bit different, first and foremost Kang Sera has a way better position in her clan this time arround.

How so? Obviously because of me, more specifically because of the trade she has made with me. Liking it or not [Inner Power Techniques] are well valued by the cultivation society in general so just the fact that she was able to get three of them already boosted her standing immensely.

So I don't think she will have as many problems as her canon counterpart, at least in this aspect. In the view of the clan if she is competent enough to acquire such techniques her value is way higher than they were thinking before, thus her better standing among them.

But as much as their Drama is interesting from a spectator point of view, they do not concern me at this moment.

Now that I already have Shi-Woon blood and the other necessary ingredients from Zen I can finally contact the medicine clan and schedule a meeting.

But before any of that, I have three techniques to finish delivering. Yep, I just got a message, and after some calls and message exchanging, I could see that my mother is already in the advanced hospital I negotiated. Good, it means that Kang Sera fulfilled her part of our agreement, so it's more than fair that I fulfill mine now.

Going back to the class I pick three blank booklets in my backpack and start writing the other half of the three techniques. It didn't take much and I was already finished, I made sure my hand letters were entirely different on each booklet. Most certainly my paranoia bleeding thought but it isn't paranoia if there is someone out there to get you, I am talking about you Boss.

Finishing writing everything I delivered my three booklets to a convenient member of the staff that has been following me all day thinking I didn't notice him, poor fool, there are few things that scape my eyes, [Sharingan] is a cheat like that. But Kang sera was smart enough to not directly antagonize me, while also not giving me too much of a leeway. I can easily accept that, so I didn't make a fuss about it.

The rest of my time was just waiting for classes to finish, can exactly start negotiation on just the brief time the school gave for lunch. But after school, I will definitely call that Medicine Clan and schedule a meeting.

When I reached home, I took my time to take a bath eat, and drink some water. after doing those things I called the contact number Kang Sera has given me. It didn't take much and soon someone picks the phone.

"Hello, my name is Jin."(Jin).

"Good, I was expecting you. Our mutual contact Kang Sera warned me a little earlier that you are going to call me. So how can the Medicine clan help you?"(Heo Won-Jae).

"Obviously I want to buy Medicine- No, more on the lines I want you to make a certain medicine for me."(Jin).

"Hmm, interesting... Quite a rare order but nothing we aren't used to doing. What Kind of medicine?"(Heo Won-Jae).

"Something I bet you know very well. Iw ant to make a [Divine Dan]."(Jin).

I could swear I hear someone doing a spit take and almost gaging with something, but I wisely stayed silent. It won't do to make fun of someone who literally has the only facilities that I know of that can produce something like that.

The funny thing is that when that mad hobo doctor finds Shi-Woon and tries to negotiate with eh Medicine clan this time, he would be at a severe disadvantage seeing as the Medicine clan would have probably already experienced the [Divine Dan] event with me.



"*Sigh* Whatever, it's not my job to question possible clients. But how the heck are you going to do something like that, we know the production method, heck most of the clans do. the only reason we aren't pumping [Divine Dan] like eggs is simply because it's almost impossible to make one of those things today."(Heo Won-Jae).

"You are completely right."(Jin).

"So why are you wasting my time? I thought this was going to be a serious discussion you-"(Heo Won-Jae).

"Don't worry I have an alternative."(Jin).

Suddenly there was a strange and eerie silence on the call, v seems to be thinking deeply by what I said, thus he only answered:

"... I am listening."(Heo Won-Jae)

"Well, neither I nor you can make a [Divine Dan] per se, but what if we can remake one?"(Jin).

"Well, if we had some of the precious material, and maybe with some parts of an IRL [Divine Dan] it should theoretically be possible..."(Heo Won-Jae).

"Let's say if you had the blood of someone who consumed a [Divine Dan]. How good are the chances of you making one?"(Jin).

"With the blood? Even better, it means the medicine is purer, principally if it was consumed recently, as in the same year, Sow ith the correct herbs and equipment its entirely and theoretically possible to remake a [Divien Dan]. But I don't know if it would be a perfect copy, that is almost impossible. But the chances are extremely high..."(Heo Won-Jae).

"As you already expect, I do indeed have the blood. And I called you exactly for it, I want to remake a [Divine Dan]. I am fine with only one, and if you agree with my terms I will let you use the rest of the blood as you see fit, depending on your success of course."(Jin).

"Interesting, I can definitely accept your proposition. But you know that the exceptionally rare herbs aren't free right?"(Heo Won-Jae).

"Don't worry I will be providing the extra herbs for making the pill, just be sure to make it."(Jin).

"Good. I am fine with such arrangements. Now, let's discuss a little bit more details, and of course, a day for us to meet personally. such a big endeavor like this one at least require some face to face time."(Heo Won-Jae).

"I concur. But if you try anything funny-"(Jin).

"Don't worry, I won't mistreat you. Kang sera warned me about that, you re already on our VIP customer service, so..."(Heo Won-Jae).

"I don't buy that BS for a second. But I will give you the benefit of the doubt, and maybe if you don't cross me like this I can get some more of that blood."(Jin).

Lie, I do indeed know where to get more of that blood. But I only want to put some emphasis on my advantages for him to not think about crossing me. that VIP Bs he spilled sounded too cheesy and suspicious to my tastes.

"Hah, it was worth a try. Now let's get down to business. First we can-"(Heo Won-Jae).