A Demon out for blood.

I stopped to look at the effects that our little scuffle had in the surroundings, while I took a blood bath with boss blood, bathing in the blood of my fuckin enemies felt incredible, it felt amazing, addicting even.

The street was partially destroyed, with some crater here and there, probably he places me and Boss used as a footing to fight, three walls, and an entire house? bisected in two. Probably the result of my two failed attacks. as of rest? It all looks pretty good, principally when my reference is the hospital, and they literally bombed the place.

But this doesn't matter for me now, the enemy was dealt with so I must continue to my objective. All this time I didn't glance at Boss's body, not even once. On my mind what had previously been a formidable enemy that literally tormented me, right now was simply an obstacle to be overcome. No... calling him an obstacle is rude, he was simply an insect to be crushed.

With bursts of speed, I was soon able to return to my previous traveling speed AKA extremely fast. Even when my legs scream and protested against such an action I continued forcing them and my body forward. The cracks on my legs grew more and more, purple flames spilling from them like a flowing river, the cracks were slowly consuming my whole legs from my feet to my hips.

The state of my feet was soo ugly now, it's just basically mangled flesh held together by purple flames in the shape of my feet, if I looked at it in other circumstances I would probably be very concerned about it. But right now? I didn't care. I have an objective and I don't mind giving up my legs for it.

The run felt euphoric, liberating. And even with all the cracks and mangled flesh in form of feet, I didn't feel pain, only euphoria, and hate. I continue at my utmost top speed until I arrived at my school. What I am doing here? Fishing for information.

When I reach my school's gate, I didn't stop running. Looking at the principal's office window I could easily see the insides through it. My left eye started spinning and gushing out blood.


On a burst of speed, I was already in the principal's office, on the last floor. *Crack* My arrival wasn't without sound whoever, as the window, I passed through immediately broke scattering glass everywhere. Thankfully all glass that touched my skin was melted instantly. Immediately two big men wearing the typical modern cultivator goon attire burst through the door, most likely due to the commotion I caused when I entered the office.

With swift movement I turned myself to face them, looking at the left one I send a straight punch towards his chest. My punch carried a black terrifying electrical aura, when my punch hit the goon wasn't only sent flying, my attack literally [Ripple] through his body and electrocuted him at the same time. He hit the wall so strongly that he broke it and got stuck there. My [Thunder Fist Style] really shining right now.

The other one was already mid-swing towards me, without hesitation, I met his punch with my own lightning-filled punch. The goon's hand immediately broke, and so did his arm, following up on a swift motion I did a little jump to the side using Advance Step, punched the goon again with my lightning-filled fist. He was sent flying on the same hole I made when I arrived and is probably falling towards the ground right now.

Then I finally looked at the principal that superficially looked incredibly calm. But with my [Mangekyo Sharingan] I could easily see through her facade. If I did care, I could even praise Kang sera for her amazing control over her expressions.

Kang Sera all this time was analyzing me, from her perspective I have purple flame condensed around me like some sort of aura, this purple flame exudes hate, rage, despair, the worst kind of negative emotions you can think of. I didn't have any kind of shoe or sock, as most of it was blown to smithereens due to all my running, my feet could be described as mangled flesh held together in feet shape shining in bright purple color, cracks going up my legs which are also spewing purple flames. Pants that right now have been almost destroyed, but by some miracle still covered my dignity.

Wounds all over my body which are spilling purple flames cracks forming around them, no shirt in sight giving my observer a full view of my toned upper body, sadly he couldn't appreciate it due to the number of wounds spilling purple flames, my right arm scar looked particularly shiny in this occasion, the one on the chest looking particularly ugly, if Kang Sera didn't know any better she would think it was from a tank round. My hair held in a perpetual spiked state like some dragon Ball Character, my previous black hair now spotting innumerable purple bangs and highlights.

But what scared Kang Sera the most was my face, a previous beautiful face that would fit well with a pretty boy now held a distorted hateful, and angry visage. It's mouth on a snarl that would make even a werewolf cry. When he breathed purple flames exited his mouth, the breathing sound liking an airplane turbine, its nostrils also spewing purple flames nonstop. but the eyes, oh the eyes, they were terrifying, red like the blood of his enemies, with three straight black lines, the white par now a deep purple almost black colored. It was the scariest thing Kang sera ever saw.

The man, no calling this thing a man is doing injustice to the bright young man that was Yang Jin, this is a thing, a devil, no more appropriately: A Demon. A Demon that wouldn't hesitate on exterminating everything to get to his objective, a demon without inhibitions or morals. A demon that dispatched her goons without batting an eye. A true Demon in the flesh.

"Where is it?"(Jin).

"I-I-I don't f-follow? c-can you give me m-more-"(Kang Sera).

"Stop with your shitty rambling. I know you have the location of the [Black Forest Defense Group] and I want it. Right. Fucking. Now."(Jin).

So the Demon knows that Kang sera have put a tracker on that hobo doctor. As if she would do something as basic as that, how does he know she did it? shit, she doesn't have much time to ponder it out. The demon looks like he will explode at any moment, so better just send him to explode near someone she doesn't like.


Kang Sera scrambled a bit under the shout and the pressure the demon started emitting, but she soon picked a paper where she wrote the location the hobo doctor went to. as fast as she could possibly manage, she picked the paper and tossed it to him, without even looking up.

"H-Here this is the location, just please go away."(Kang Sera).

When Kang Sera gathered enough courage to look at the Demon again she was dumbfounded. the demon disappeared, no trace of him beside the destruction he left in his wake, it was like he was never here before. Heck, even the paper was still floating in the Air.


When I saw the info on the paper I immediately jumped as high as I could out of the office, and let me tell you, in my state right now, that is goddamn high. I easily surpassed the School's height, heck I even surpassed the height of some small buildings in my vicinity. I, of course, didn't waste my opportunity.

Seeing that I had an almost complete view of the city, I looked in the direction of the info Kang Sera gave me. It was far, extremely so. But I don't think that is of concern. If I can see my destination the distance doesn't matter. Locking in the correct direction, on the rooftop of a building that I am pretty sure is some huge kilometer of distance. I used my left eye skill, my eye started spinning, blood started gushing out of it, and then.


In less than a heartbeat, I was in the place that a moment before looked so far away. Thankfully there weren't any obstacles I had to cross. But I am still far from the [Black forest Defense Group] base Kang sera gave me the info of.