Demon and death.

{AN: Made a discord server with the help of my friend Whyle, here is the link:

Don't worry I will also post the link in the comments session.}




Tsunami, a natural disaster that causes a lot of destruction whatever it hits. the inarguably best demonstration on the rage of seas, how fearsome the seas can be. when a tsunami passes it only leaves destruction and despair in its wake, destroy things in a way that will take years to repair. A single tsunami that was easily formed may take almost a decade to overcome its destruction. The giant terrifying wave will just sweep, show its rage, and then disappear giving place to a calm and docile sea.

You could say that my state of [Fury] was a tsunami, a small and steady wave begun building and building upon itself until a strong tremor and wind stirred it up, and transformed it into a raging tsunami. The tsunami named Yang Jin swept through leaving destruction in its wake.

After killing Kaiser and punching him until not even his mother would recognize him anymore I looked at the mincemeat.

I accomplished it, I finally venged myself. What now? I know I can't survive and the moment my fury goes out I am dead. Yes, I know the moment I stop my [Fury] I am dead, it's pretty obvious considering my current appearance.

Now I took a moment to look at one of the mirrored walls.

"Fuck. I am really fucked right now."(Jin).

I looked like a walking corpse, somehow I can make The Lich look like a pretty princess. My eyes are sunken and everything around them is filled with cracks and purple flames shining and spilling off them, it's pretty terrifying as the same purple color that spreads from my cracks is the same purple color of the white of my eyes. so you could see the terrifying image of Two red orbs with three straight lines floating on a sea of purple and cracked skin.

My lips are practically nonexistent as the cracks have long since destroyed them, you can see both my gums and teeth clearly which I am rather thankfully haven't been hit. there are two trails of dried blood running down from my eyes. Not surprising seeing as I used and abused my [Mangekyo Sharingan]. My previous pretty boy face completely and utterly disfigured.

The other huge problem is my body, thankfully some heroic piece of clothing manages to survive everything and at least cover my modesty, the small miracles really. I would have winced at the sight if I could, my previous big, muscled, and sculped body I spent so much time training was a complete mess. The Ogre dream was unfortunately shut down, hah as if this was important I am fucking dying anyway.

Looking at my chest, I see cracks spreading everywhere, the previous words from the explosion forming the biggest slew of cracks around them. Looking at my chest I can see my heart struggling and trying its best to pump blood, but failing quite a lot. I can guess some cracks spread to both my veins, arteries, and [Ki Channels].

I looked at my arms, my right arms with the peculiar scar from the Subordinate fight is looking like trash, somehow my scar became an unholy spawner of cracks making them spread roughly my right arm almost completely, and looking at my nails I can see that they have long since fallen off. My left arm was a little bit better, but a mess of cracks and purple flames nonetheless. ITs also whiteout nails by the way.

And then it comes to my legs... well, calling it legs is inaccurate. They are simply a bunch of flesh and bone she'd together magically by my [Fury], it's really and I mean really ugly. I am also just thankful that my [Fury] doesn't allow any part to fall off my body or crumble. Because I am sure if it was the contrary I would have long since lost my legs completely.

The mess of flesh shaped like my legs would be somewhat more worrying if I didn't know about my unavoidable destiny. I knew from the beginning, back them at the hospital that this was a simple and straight one-way road, I knew since the start that I am not coming back. But why should I go back? for what? for who? I literally don't have anyone in my life right now, my only remaining reason to live was killing this bastard, after that what? there is nothing... only me.

"Maybe, just maybe I could have that sweet, sweet release that is death."(Jin)

The concept of living for me right now is less than worthless.

I quickly voided my gaze from the mirrored wall, sadly for me at that time I was too out of it to notice the dragon head formed by my purple flames, some times your mental stability can really fuck up your perception of reality.

When I avoided my gaze from the mirror my [Mangekyo Sharingan] that was still active detected something strange on a particular painting at the corner. I first didn't tough much of it as my mind keep filling myself with more depressive thoughts than I could sanely handle. But I had a feeling, a gut instinct if you will, that I should check what the fuck that was.

My [Fury] started to slowly cool down, the dragon head formed of purple flames long since disappeared. I could feel the weakness approaching, drawing towards my ugly form. But for someone who isn't thinking he will live past the minute, I didn't care anymore. I will simply indulge this gut instinct of mine, for me to die in peace at least.

My [Fury] was slowly reducing, slowly its shine and brilliance diminishing. Slowly and almost in a lethargic form, the flames were diminishing, their intensity something of the past. It was gradual and slow, but that only made it somewhat more morbid. It was like I had a gigantic timer to my death.

It was like a final countdown. It was horrible and something I would never wish upon anyone, no one should ever have to live facing a timer like this. It made everything worse, it tricks your brain to the passage of time, you start to become more tensed and stressed the low the flames go. It's both physical and physiological torture.

My body is almost falling apart, by some miracle my adding [Fury] continues to hold my body together, I tried using [Ripple] that healed me so many times, but as expected it didn't work. These kinds of wounds aren't something [Ripple] can heal, the same way it can't heal blindness it can't heal these wounds. It may delay them, but not heal. the other huge problem is that the cracks have long since spread to my veins and arteries, heck my heart is barely pumping blood right now, so it should impossible for me to sue [Ripple].

Every step seemed to be an eternity, every step was like climbing a mountain naked, and the difficulty grew more and more. My flames diminishing every step of the way. My breath grew haggard and laborious, my body felt more and more heavy, like every step I took added more weight to it.

halfway to the corner, I was already dragging myself. But everything kept getting worse. When I reached 2/3 of the way I couldn't move anymore, my legs refused to work or obey my commands. The ghost of a surprising pain started forming in the depths of my brain, but as weak as it is the effects of [Fury] still haven't worn off.

I felt like I should just give up, I was simply following the last wishes of my gut instincts. But is all this effort worth it? do I really need to do it? I will die anyway so why should I care? It feels so much easier to just give up, to simply lay on the ground and rest, to simply feel the sweet, sweet, sweet release my body earns so much.


Should I?...

Why bother?...

You are not gonna make it anyway...

Just one last time... I-I... refuse to die with regrets again... the first time was already more than enough. And if I am going to die in this life, I will at least die without regret. I will follow my gut. With the monumental strength of [Spirit], I was finally able to continue forward.

I didn't think I could depend on my spirit again like this. After the hospital, and the fact that I don't have a will to live anymore, I thought my [Spirit] was broken and discarded, that it was killed and tossed at the sea, I lost hope, I lost will, but I guess the only person who abandoned my [Spirit] was myself. After all, the only person who can truly break my [Spirit] is myself.

I finally reached the corner, and I can easily say that I am not running on fumes, my fumes ran out hours ago. I am running on strength of [Spirit] alone. All I want right now is simply slide down this wall and close my eyes, lay down on the floor right now, and get my release. I will not do it, I want to rest in peace and I refuse to die with regrets.

I looked at the painting, my [Mangekyo Sharingan] still active due to the sheer fear that I couldn't possibly handle the shock of deactivating it right now. My eyelids were heavy and wanting not morning than to close and rest. But I held it together with my [Spirit] and examined the painting. It was a false painting that si hiding something under it, I jerked the painting and the frame out of the wall with a simple movement of my hand. As low as my [Fury] is right now its boost is still somehow active.

When I removed the painting I saw a safe, and for some miraculous coincidence, the safe was unlocked. I open it with the subtlety and finesse of an elephant. Inside of the safe is a simple box, a very familiar box. Wait, is this a...


My laugh sounds hoarse, dry, and for all intents and proposed like a dead body laughing. But it simply couldn't stop, the number of coincidences ie experienced in this last minute feel somehow surreal in a lot of ways.

Without hesitating, I jerk the box open with a somewhat clumsy movement. The box opens revealing what is inside a [Divine Dan], something the hobo doctor made to Kaiser probably. With trembling hand, I pick the [Divine Dan] up. I know that I am beyond saving, the snuffing out purple flames and the results of my [Fury] told me this much, I know this [Divine Dan] won't be able to heal or sea me in any way. But if I am going to die, I am going to die spitting in the face of fate.

My flames hit an all-time low, my [Fury] was barely hanging, I was barely up. My [Sharingan] deactivated giving way to completely normal beady black eyes probably nearly blind. With I difficult moment that felt like I was carrying more weight than the titan Atlas, I brought up the [Divine Dan] to my mouth and...

And then I collapsed, my conscience completely blacking out. Never to lay my eyes again upon this world.




Name: Jin

Surname: Yang

Age: 17

Country: Korea

Blood: A+

Height: 1.95 meters

Body Type: Heavy Muscular

Hair Color: Black/Purple?

Eye Color: Black

Status: ???/No Data/ Presumably dead.

Moniker: Demon God

Danger Level: EX




~~Prologue: END~~


