Chapter 11

"I'm not a fool, Amore"

We were in the stands and we got a good seat, really near the court so it'll be easy for us to watch the match. One of V's friends, Caleb was also with us, a cute blonde guy, thankfully he was a basketball freak unlike us so he told us a few things.

When our team came in, the crowd roared. Guys were walking in with full confidence, I recognized Rayn and Dylan on the team and then he walked in. I saw Jay was looking around the stands when his eyes fell on me, he smiled and I smiled back and showed him a thumbs up for good luck and he nodded at me.

V shrieked "OMG he smiled at you, you guys are couple goals", I just rolled my eyes at her. Caleb asked, "your boyfriend is on the team". "No, she likes to exaggerate everything, he's just a friend", I told him. "Okay shush now, the match's about to begin", V said.