The Entrance Ceremony

Rosalie woke up feeling refreshed. Not that she looked very refreshing.

Her hair more closely resembled a bird's nest than a human head and her eyes had a half awake, half asleep look in it.

She stretched out her arms and let out a massive yawn.

'I guess I should be getting ready now, I hope that my uniform's ready by now'

Rosalie got out of bed dragged herself into the bathroom to brush her teeth and tame her hair. Her blue toothbrush was placed in a white ceramic holder that matched the aesthetic of the room. It was a clean, pristine white with some gold accents placed here and there. The faucet had a golden sheen and Rosalie wondered if it was made of gold.

'That would impractical, gold wouldn't be able to hold up in this condition, it's way too soft, probably fake or just brushed on'

Rosalie thought and as she turned the handle to get water to rinse her mouth, it fell off…

'This weight… don't tell me it's actually gold?!'

Rosalie quickly tried screwing the handle back on. But the water kept gushing out and splashing everywhere.

"Hah… if this is how my day is starting, I don't think this is a good sign."

Rosalie ended up grabbing some duct tape and wrapping it around the faucet handle, this would do for now. She made a mental note to mention this to Deborah later.

Next on the list, she had to somehow make her hair behave. It was already damp from the malfunctioning faucet and in an even worse state.

Rosalie grabbed her hairbrush from her drawer and started on the long and arduous ordeal of making herself look presentable. After 15 minutes of brushing, her hair was more of a poof than a bird's nest, good enough.

She splashed some water on her face and heard a knock on her door. She went to see what it was. When she opened it she found a small packet on the floor addressed to her. Picking it up, Rosalie could tell it was probably her uniform from the feel of it. Opening the parcel wrapped in brown paper, she found a white blouse and blue sweater vest, like the one she had already received. Next, there were a couple of pairs of pants and skirts that she could choose from considering the weather. There was also a nice addition of knee socks and tights for the colder season.

It was a warm day, so Rosalie opted to wear a skirt for once, skirts are the best thing to wear if you were going to be walking a lot and moving around, it is very easy to move around in.

The cotton fabric was soft to the touch and felt comfortable on her. She wasn't used to having new clothes, most of her clothes had been worn out and had alterations done to fit her.

With all that done with, Rosalie grabbed a banana to munch on while heading to the main school building as she didn't have enough time to stop by the dining area to order breakfast. Dinner was usually eaten in the dorm dining halls but, breakfast and lunch can be served at any cafeteria on the school campus.

As Rosalie walked towards the main building she passed by an interesting scene.

The boy from last night was crawling out of a window and hurriedly running towards the boys' dormitories. From the window, she heard a girl crying and cursing at him.

"I h-hate you –ophe, don- come here again!!"

Rosalie could make out a few words from her muffled screams. Guess there's some bad blood between them now.

It wasn't any of her business anyways, she turned around and continued on her merry way. Trees were framing the pathways and benches for students to sit on if they want to spend their breaks outside.

She could imagine herself in a quiet clearing somewhere playing games or taking a nap. She couldn't wait to explore the less populated areas on campus. Most of the students liked to stay indoors where there were heating and air-conditioning, this resulted in a lot of small pockets of overlooked spaces perfect for people like Rosalie who liked their peace and quiet.

As Rosalie got closer to the main building, the crowds of students got larger. Eventually, it became uncomfortably cramped with students trying to cram their way through the door. Rosalie slipped through the crowd easily and was able to squeeze her way into the auditorium.

The auditorium was thankfully lined with rows of red cushioned seats that looked like they were regularly cleaned. The floor had stairs leading down to a large stage with spotlights pointing to a podium in the middle for the speakers to use.

Rosalie was one of the first students to arrive, so she was pushed by the horde of incoming students to the front row seats. If it was up to her, she would have opted for a middle seat, but alas, this is how life went.

Sitting down glumly, she watched as the auditorium seats slowly began to fill up with students, it reminded Rosalie of batter slowly pouring into a waffle pan.

Every single seat in the room was filled, almost as if the school planned the exact number of students to accept based on the number of seats in the auditorium. Knowing how that headmaster is, it wouldn't be that hard to believe.

Rosalie heard the people behind her excitedly chatting. She leaned back a little to hear a bit clearer.

"Hey, did you hear that Christophe is gonna be the rep today?! I'm so excited!"

Rosalie internally nodded her head. It was everywhere on the internet. She had even heard that people were planning to Livestream it onto the internet for his fans to watch. She was a little curious about his looks, she could have easily found it on the internet with a quick search but, for some reason, she would abstain every time. He would regularly send her messages on TLW although, she felt that knowing what he looked like would ruin the fun.

The headmaster had a certain graceful quality in his step as he walked towards the podium. Once he got there, he reached over to the microphone to turn it on.

There was a quiet screech of feedback that echoed through the auditorium as he tested the microphone. However, it was quickly remedied with a few adjustments to the audio.

"Hello everybody, welcome to Wexcombe Academy freshmen, and welcome back everyone else. I am Mr. Wilkins, the headmaster. As you all should know very well, at Wexcombe Academy we expect our students to uphold our reputation, and in return, we shall offer you the best to nurture strength and success. Our state-of-the-art campus offers many excellent, educational resources, and we expect everybody to take advantage of this opportunity to cultivate your mind and spirit.

We, the professors and staff of this Academy will stand alongside you on your journey and aide you onwards. We look forward to our year together as a family.

Now, will the freshmen representative please come up to give your speech."

Everybody waited in anticipation…

A minute passed; nobody approached the podium.

"I shall repeat myself; will the freshmen representative please take to the stage?"

The headmaster was starting to look a little confused. All the students were looking at each other, wondering where Christophe could be. Rosalie was also wondering where Christophe was, but she refrained from looking around and kept her face composed.

All of a sudden, the back doors slammed open with a bang!

"I'm here!"

A voice shouted from across the room.

Rosalie couldn't take it any longer and turned around to take a look.

What she saw was a familiar tuff of brown hair racing towards the stage.