A Chance Encounter

She crawled over to the patch of sun and laid down, using a bag of stuffed animals as a makeshift pillow. She curled up and let the warmth of the sunlight lull her to sleep.

In her dreams, Rosalie found a giant stuffy and proceeded to rub her face all over its cuteness. It was so fluffy! She could stay here forever…

"A-Aah-A CHOO!!" Rosalie sneezed herself awake.

In front of her face was a ball of black fur that jumped suddenly and tried to scratch Rosalie's face.

The little cat in front of her meowed quietly and licked its paws, loftily eyeing Rosalie with its large yellow eyes.

How adorable! Rosalie slowly approached it and slowly let the cat sniff her hand. It warily let her pet its soft fur. Rosalie's eyes lit up with joy as she continued petting the cat eventually getting to squish its paws. Rosalie couldn't help herself get absorbed into gushing over its cuteness.

The tiny toe beans and warm belly were too much to resist.

After a while, Rosalie decided to call the cat "Pomelo" since it seemed like a stray, she didn't have a name tag or collar. However, since it was roaming around the school campus, somebody was probably feeding it since it's used to being around humans.

Pomelo jumped a little from the rustling of a nearby bush. The rustling was followed by some heavy footsteps that headed towards her.

Pomelo quickly scurried away into some greenery when a person emerged from the dense vegetation.

"Goddammit! Those bastards sure are quick on their feet" A familiar voice complained while scratching the back of his head.

"I know I'm quality goods but treating me like that is just disrespectful tsk tsk."

Rosalie already knew who it was before the person turned around to face her.

"AHHH!" Christophe screamed in Rosalie's face as he landed on his butt. Now, this was a familiar scene. His green eyes in the daytime really shone like emeralds, this was the second time his face came close to her's in the last 2 days. Too many times for comfort really.

"Don't tell me you're one of those scheming recruiters?! Or are you one of my fans?" Christophe asked Rosalie nervously, trying to smooth past his fall.

"Neither" she replied. She was there first after all. It's not like she followed him here.

Christophe's eyes gravitated towards Rosalie's bag of prizes.

"Sure…" He gleamed thinking they were gifts for him. Rosalie was another fan that wanted to act indifferent to get his attention, how coy.

"Then who exactly are those gifts for hmm?" A slight prod would do and she'd start gushing over him like everyone else.

"They're mine." Rosalie answered coldly, she wasn't about to get her prizes stolen, she was planning to send some back to the kids at "Winter's".

"Oh really, then would you mind if I take one?" 'This girl is really stubborn; she really should just give in and admit they're for me' was Christophe's line of thought.

"I would actually like I said they're mine. I would appreciate it if you get your grubby hands off MY stuff."

Upon closer inspection, Christophe noticed that Rosalie's face looked familiar, really familiar. It felt like he saw her somewhere recently.

"Wait a second… You're that boy from yesterday!!" He looked down at her uniform and saw the female version. The person from yesterday looked really similar to this girl, but he definitely was a guy, albeit a little feminine looking.

"Do you happen to have a twin brother that also attends Wexcombe?"

Christophe couldn't believe that this person was the same person from last night. That was impossible, how could something like that get past his almighty perceptive eyes.

"No, I don't you dimwit. Do you believe me now? I never said I was a guy."

"What?! Then when I threatened you to keep our secret…"

Christophe slumped down in self cringe. He couldn't believe that he basically sneaked into a girl's room then tried to threaten her with a non-existent secret.

Rosalie found this sight cute.

"Don't worry, I won't tell anyone about your rendezvous at the girl's dorms."

"You won't?" Christophe's head shot up and his eyes stared into her's.

Uh, Rosalie was weak to puppy eyes, she had a sudden urge to pet him, but she held it back, he'd think of her as a weirdo, and she wanted to lay low during her time at Wexcombe.

"Yeah, there's nothing I would gain from telling anybody anyway."

"Wait, so you're saying that if you did have something to gain, you'd sell me out straight away?"

"Exactly! So don't do it again." Rosalie put an ominous smile on her face.

"S-sure, I'll be more careful haha."

Christophe laughed nervously, but he seemed to be feeling better. There was a smaller wave of embarrassment when he realized those gifts weren't meant for him though his ego shrunk a little.

"So… what brings you here to this small clearing?"

Christophe tried to make some small talk to clear up the awkwardness in the air that seemed to weigh down on him.

"I got chased by some of the club recruiters, so I ran here and took a nap."

"You too eh? No offence, but why would they want you? I don't think your family's influential otherwise I would've recognized you. Also, I would've known you if you were in the top 100 ranks of the school. Wait, I don't even know your name… Who are you again?"

They never had a chance to introduce themselves.

"I'm Rosalie Dixon, I recently got forcibly enrolled to Wexcombe so you wouldn't have seen me in the rankings. As to why I was chased."

Rosalie gestured towards her large bags of prizes that Christoph thought were meant for him.

He connected the dots in his head and realized that she won a prize from every stand.

"Woah that's pretty impressive, nice to meet you, Rosalie. It's a bit late but I'm Christophe Niel, you probably know me. Sorry about yesterday, I know I was pretty rude to you when we first met. I had to deal with some… issues."

"It's fine, I'm sorry for bumping into you too, my mind was wandering."

They came to a mutual understanding.

"Well I better get going now, I'm getting hungry." Rosalie got up and brushed some of the dirt off her skirt.

"Yeah same, wanna get lunch together? It'll be my treat."

Rosalie thought about the hoards of people that always surrounded Christophe everywhere he went.

"No thank you, I prefer eating alone."

"Aww, but I know the best steak sandwich place on campus. And it's usually empty since it's far from the dining halls…"

Christophe winked at Rosalie.

She sighed knowing he had won.

"Lead the way."