Lara-Jean's POV
The weeks flew past. I caught up with schoolwork and made some more college friends.There was a lot happening all around me that kept me occupied, it was stressful at times. But I'd always come back to Covey at the end of the day. Seeing her somehow had a way of filling me with a calm.
But at the same time, with each passing day, the tension between Covey and I seemed to only grow stronger.
The school mascot, a purple unicorn ran across the fields and I laughed, clapping my hands together as I cheered.
I was out on the bleachers overlooking the university football field, seated next to Cameron. There was a match going on, I didn't understand anything happening but the whole school seemed to be here I was.
Apparently, football was a big thing here.
"Yes!" Cameron suddenly yelled, jumping up with his arms flying in the air when our school scored a point.
His drink slipped from his arms flying all over my lap. I froze at the cold but Cameron didn't seem to notice, he was so caught up in the game. Apparently everyone was as well, the volume was deafening. I think our school was winning.
As if the split drink in my lap wasn't bad enough. Suddenly, out of nowhere- a ball came flying, hitting me right in the centre of my forehead. The wind was knocked out of me literally and I sat there, stunned. Of all the people to get hit by the football, it happened to be me. Just my luck.
"Oh my gosh Lara-Jean, are you okay?" It was Sarah, a ginger girl with deep blue eyes. I recognized her from some of my classes.
Great. I wondered how many people had seen my tragic demise.
"Don't worry, I've got this." I heard Covey's voice over the commotion and I felt myself being lifted and carried.
If I wasn't in so much pain I would have rolled my eyes at the situation. Typical of Covey to appear out of nowhere and save the day. Typical me to be the rotten damsel in distress.
My embarrassment was overshadowed by the pain I was feeling. I didn't struggle, I just let myself be carried, wanting desperately to get as far away from all human beings as I could.
"Here." Covey said, placing me down on the bench in one of the changing rooms before placing an ice pack on my forehead.
I wondered how she had managed to carry me all the way from the bleachers to the changing room in such a short period of time.
Covey was dressed in the school's football attire, and had her face painted in the red of the school colors, the contrast against her green eyes kind of suited her.
Of course she was a die-hard football supporter.
"How many fingers am I holding up?"
Covey had spoken, breaking into my thoughts.
I remembered Covey was majoring in medicine so she had to know what she was doing.
"Four." I replied, squinting slightly.
Covey seemed satisfied with my reply as her shoulders visibly relaxed.
"Wow, a thousand people in a crowd and it just happens to be you to get hit by the ball, Princess."
Tell me about it.
I felt myself blush.
"And once again, it's you to save me. My knight in shining...paint," I replied.
Covey began laughing. It was sweet hearing her laugh. And I was laughing soon, then groaned. My face hurt.
"Here, take this."
Covey handed me some Advil and a bottle of water to down it with. She always seemed to have Advil on her. Not that I was complaining.
"Um, were you that surprised when you got hit in the face?" Covey suddenly asked.
I followed her eyes down which were staring at my wet pants and I felt myself burning up.
"No! Someone spilled a drink on me that's all, I swear!"
Covey laughed really hard, whilst I felt myself grow even more embarrassed. It seemed that the embarrassment had now taken over any pain I was feeling.
"It's chill, I'm sure there's a change of pants lying around here."
Covey got up to search for pants and I was left with the awkward task of wriggling out of my jeans. I was left there in the changing room sitting on the cold benches in my underwear.
"Okay, I've found something." Covey said, appearing with a pair of shorts in her hands. She knelt in front of me, helping me dress up.
I felt like a child. I knew I didn't need Covey's help in getting into shirts. After all, it was my head that had been hit. My arms and legs were fine, but for some reason, I didn't say anything.
Covey slowly began putting my legs through the holes. I felt sparks whenever her hands made contact with my bare skin. We stayed there in silence, Covey diligently dressing me up.
Her hand lingered on my waist and I raised my head looking at her.
Immediately, my heart began to speed up.
Covey's face was an inch away from mine. Her eyes were mesmerizing and I felt like I was in a bubble with just the two of us.
Covey wasn't doing anything, just looking at me. I wished I could figure out what she was thinking, but nothing was readable past the green abyss that was her eyes.
I suddenly got this courageous burst. Screw it, I thought.
I leaned forward and immediately our lips connected. It was an explosion. She kissed me softly, slowly. It was peaceful. Nothing else mattered in this moment. Just Covey. Covey.
I was the one to break the kiss.
"I'm sorry," I mumbled, pulling back and refusing to look at Covey,"I'm not gay."
I'm not gay.
As if on cue the door burst open and Cameron ran in.
"Oh my gosh Lara-Jean, are you okay?" He asked, oblivious to the tension that was heavy in the air, or even Covey for that matter. Just me. He seemed so fixated on me. My heart clenched.
"Yeah, I'm fine now." I mumbled.
I glanced up at Covey and immediately regretted it. There was a look in her eyes, I saw confusion. So much confusion.
"I'd leave you two to it." She stated sharply. And just like that, she was out.