
Chapter 8

Lara-Jean's POV

It was Thanksgiving day and Mark had woken Covey and I up and basically forced us out of the house.

"He gets like this when he gets into his cooking mode. He really likes to concentrate, and gets rid of anything or anyone he could deem a distraction." Covey had said rolling her eyes.

I nodded, I found it amazing.

For the past few hours we had been driving around town, going places on impulse. Covey lived in a small town, the people were friendly, very accepting of everybody and I loved it; along with the comfort I felt.

The afternoon was drawing to a close and Covey was driving her Jeep into a forest, a pathway we'd never gone before.

"Where are we going?" I asked.

"Patience is a virtue Lara-Jean." Was Covey's simple reply. A hint of a smile tugging at her lips and I sat back, crossing my arms over my chest. Excitement mingled in with nervousness was eating me up.