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Chapter 27

You know that feeling when you feel like you're being watched?

Well that was me the entire trip home. I tried to brush it off, I told myself that I was probably still paranoid from the whole Caroline thing that had occurred a couple of weeks ago.

I now stood in front of my apartment, my keys fumbling in my hands as I tried to insert it into the slot, all the while looking around me. The key turned in the lock and I instantly opened the door, closing it and locking it quickly. I breathed out a sigh of relief once inside my apartment.

My phone began ringing and I took it out of my pocket instantly smiling once I saw who was calling.

"Amanda, I've missed you! What's up?" I placed my work bag on the floor next to my door and began walking towards my room.

The line was silent.

"Amanda, are you there?"

"Hey Muna, there's um...there's something I need to tell you."

Amanda's voice was serious and I instantly began panicking.