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Chapter 34

"Daddy." I said looking up into the face of my father.

He was smiling at me a little distance away. I seemed to be standing in a field of some sorts. The soft blades of grass tickled against my feet as I stared at my father a few meters away from where I stood. He had a smile on his face.

Where was I?

I looked around and realized I was in the flowery field overlooking the water which Miss Rose had shown me. I felt my heart clench as I thought of her.

But wait...what was my father doing in California?

A wave of realization washed over me.

"I'm dead aren't I?" I said to my father. My voice was low and soft and I looked down at my feet.

My dad looked at me, "did I ever tell you what your name means?"

I looked up at him in confusion but shook my head.

"Desire." My father said smiling once again at me, I looked into his deep eyes, "you have really lived up to that name. You have this desire in you...to keep on going, no matter the circumstances."