Chapter 17

Ezra's POV

I stroll back into my room after running what seemed like hours; I was still furious, but not as much as I was earlier. Earlier, I wanted to hurt someone.

I woke up early like a routine and decided to bring the letter and pictures to my uncle this morning.

I ordered him to call dad, but we couldn't reach him. Damn him, if I couldn't ask both of them I would corner my uncle himself.

I showed him everything, and he looked them over. He was pissed that someone had been spying on us and intimidating me, but started back-peddling when he read the letter.

I interrogated him on what everything meant and he refused to answer me, saying those were questions for my father only, and I started shaking, I was so furious.

I wanted answers now, so I can find the person responsible. He only told me that we will figure it out when my father calls back. He was concerned because some of those pictures are before we arrived at the castle.