Chapter 29

Ezra's POV

I watched in the corner behind Mark as he was talking to my dad and saw when he finally discovered the real prince wasn't in the chair.

Zander was tucked away at the castle without knowing what was going on, and his mother found someone willing to play as the prince. She did a good job finding someone that looked like him.

Zack spotted the bogus message about a couple wanting to renovate this horrible building for a future Orphan house. Most people didn't go to him directly, they went through the council and that was Marks's mistake that got us into this situation now.

Our plan came into play, I called my father and they brought Alex as a distraction, and Clarice called the look-alike.

Zack set up the meeting for Mark, as well as the 'Movie night' for him and Zander, while his mother and I supposedly went to eat dinner.

Clarice was tucked into the castle safely as well. It was only us four and the unfortunate look-alike that agreed to this and some guards outside.