The Damsel and The knight

Chapter 7: The Damsel and The knight

"You saved me that day. I am just returning the favor my princess." "Who are you calling a princess?!"

- Mira Alis and Axel(LS 1216).


Year 1212, 26th Day of the 3rd Month – Road to Bullmar~

"You are right. I noticed the serenity but didn't think too much. Tell everyone to stay alert!" No sooner she gave the orders a loud horn could be heard.

*rustle rustle*

Somewhere near 25-30 bandits came out of the grooves and the trees. It seemed they were totally surrounded. They only had 10 guards guarding the caravan.

"EVERYONE BATTLE STATION." She shouted and pulled out her spear. Then looked at the bandits straight ahead with murderous eyes.

"Don't you dare blink, I will end you fast."


Rufus the Earless, Brigand Leader's POV- Road to Bullmar~

'Hehe, my boys here been tracking these walking purses since they left the harbor. There are just some spoiled little merchants and ten some guards with little to no experience.' Couldn't help but laugh to myself as I thought about the gold we will get.

To make it easier, the guards had a woman for a leader. 'Ptui, fucking pansies.'

"GET READY BOYS WE WILL FEAST TONIGHT." I shouted at my men to boost their morale.


I couldn't help but smile a bit. 'Well excited simpletons are better than lifeless ones.'

"Alright, you fuckers, those sheeps will be here any minute now. Wait for my signal!" I commanded the good for nothings. 'Hope they don't mess it up… Coz they can mess up even the smallest of things good grief.

*Clip-clop… Neigh*

'Oh, our little sheeps have made it.' I couldn't help but smile. I signaled the boys to get ready. I could see a blue haired woman in the front wearing a mask and a guard talking to her. 'Hehehe, that mask wont stay on your face when I do you after the battle.'

The woman had a nice body and for some reason she didn't seem that on guard. Is it her inexperience or confidence I really couldn't tell. But my judgement told me it was both.

'Whatever, she is just one woman after all and the rest of the guards are walking pussies. I can smell it from here.' No sooner the caravan was on the ambush spot the woman seemed to get alerted for some reason. I quickly drew my axe up, which was the signal.

*Rustle Rustle...HaHaHa*

We encircled the whole caravan cleanly. The boys were eyeing the merchants as if looking at some cattle. I on the other hand had my eyes on the woman.

Our eyes met, a chill went down my spine. I could tell the woman wasn't simple.'Argg… I am still sure we will take them down but we might have to pay a price. Well a few deaths isn't that big a deal.'

I was about to command the boys to start the attack but the bitch beat me to it.

"EVERYONE BATTLE STATION." She shouted and pulled out her spear. Then looked at the us with murderous eyes. 'Gulp' my back started to sweat.

"Don't you dare blink, I will end you fast." The bitch declared which got on my nerves.

"Bitch you have no idea what you are in for. BOYS ATTACK. LEAVE NO SOUL ALIVE." I commanded the start of battle and got back myself. No way in hell I was going to face that bitch first. I will let the bastards wear her down first.

The idiots tried to take on the guards one-on-one first but got cut down by two of them. 'Fucking potato brains. Even if they are just inexperienced guards they are still guards with training. Like you idiotic shits can go head on with them.'

At least it seemed the fuckers understood the point even if it was too late. They started ganging up on the leathered fuckers and slowly lowering their numbers. The fat merchants were just pigs to be slaughtered. Some tried begging but got stabbed, some tried to run but got shot down. Some just pissed and shat where they fell. Fucking disgusting.

'Looks like things are going well, most of the annoying flies are dying. Only five of the left.' I looked around the battlefield as I thought.

'But… that BITCH!' I screamed in my head.

"WHAT ARE YOU BLOODY FUCKERS DOING!! HUH? GANG UP AND SHUT THAT BITCHES FACE FOR ME!" I shouted at the good for nothing fucking man whores. 'That BITCH already killed seven. What in the name of the ancestors is she made of…'

The distress of the Bandits just started.


Blue Haired Knight's POV~

"HEEEAH!" I shouted as I started running towards the closest group of brigands. These people are really a thorn that needs to be removed. Vulgar to the core… Rape, murder, arson what have they not done…

The first man I came near seemed a bit afraid of Cherrynut's charge and moved to the side. I smirked, 'Idiot.'

He was off balance when he was jumping to my right side and he kissed my spears thrust and his head got pierced. I simultaneously kicked him away to remove my spear from the bastard's body.

Not even a few seconds passed and I met with two more of those unsightly things. I am no knight so I don't mind playing a bit dirty as I smirked. I waved my spear in front of them and the blood of the previous bastard that was still lingering on the spear got smeared on their eyes. I could see their panic.

Cherrynut rammed in to one and stomped on him killing him directly and I stabbed the other one with a clean thrust. I was very lucky as what I did took only a few seconds so the bandits didn't really respond.

But that hateful man which I think is the leader finally got his men under control and came the barrage of arrows. 'Unskillful… The archers were clearly not trained properly.' The arrows mostly missed and the others that did arrive cherrynut dodged with ease. 'What a good girl you are my dear cherry.' I said in my mind as I stroked her mane a bit.

I quickly focused on one of the archers and threw my spear like a javelin. 'Tsk' It didn't kill him directly as I missed the heart but he is out of commission for sure. That makes four of the bandits. Well a lot more to go.

I drew the spare spear that I always have on Cherry. It's a light spear and I can thrust faster with it. One of the reasons I threw my other one was because it was too heavy for me to use.

"Well now then, did I not tell you? Not to blink?" I smirked and went for my next target.

I was worried a bit as I was sure my subordinates can not handle the numbers like this. But I will do my best to kill as many as I can. 'I don't want to die or abandon the people I swore to protect. Who am I kidding.. I am no knight, I am just not escaping because the parameter is enclosed and I have no chance. Sigh….

But I think I will make a run for it when their numbers are a bit lowered. I just need a chance.'


While the fight was ongoing a small distance away~

Axel's POV~

"Hey, Hey, Lucian!! What kind of clothes do you sell on your store?" Celine was asking Lucian some stupid questions. And I still don't understand how her mind worked. One moment she is talking about fighting and the next moment well fighting again or something about girly things that actually gets me weirded out.

I mean she is the manliest woman I know, well other than my older sister I suppose. So when she takes interest in girly things like shopping it weirds me out.

"Haha, you will know when we reach there, Celine. Take it as a surprise for later." And there is Lucian with his trademark kind smile. 'Sigh' I have known him for so long and I have seen him do so many things but that smile. Maybe that's what people call natural charisma.

Lord Mavis and Master Julian were just sitting there eyes closed. Trying to keep their psyche in control I believe. And suddenly the harbinger of trouble herself shouted something incoherent.

"I SMELL A BIG FIGHT UP FRONT." Shouted Celine pointing at a direction. Even Master seemed to be surprised.

Lucian looked at Mavis and he nodded and sent a spell ahead.

He looked surprised. Was there really a fight.. This woman is getting weirder and weirder.

Lucian got all the information he needed from Mavis's face. He then looked towards me and back to Mavis. Mavis nodded with a smile, they exchanged something I didn't understand but Lucian's orders came soon.

"Take one of the horses and assist them Axel. We will reinforce you in a bit."

"EHHHH WHY NOT ME?" Celine shouted pointing at herself but Lucian ignored her. 'Take that barbarian woman.' I felt like I won something.

"As you command." I cut one of the reigns of the 2 horses and started galloping towards the direction Celine mentioned.

I felt my body lighter and faster. I looked back and saw Lucian smiling at me.

I smiled back and galloped towards my destination. This was my first mission since I came into Lucian's service and I will not let him down.


Back to Blue Haired Girl's POV~

*Pant… Pant*

Cherry was injured and she could not move any more. Only 2 of the guards I brought with me are alive with 1 Merchant boy. The same perverted one but he survived for some reason. We took down 14 bandits all together there is still ten left including their hateful leader.

I could barely stand but I was on my stance. I am an Intermediate Rank Warrior for gods sake. I took down Nine of them myself but I reached my limit. They might be Novices but their numbers were just too many. And my stamina was not infinite.

The hateful bastard finally took his first steps.

*Step.. step*

"I got to give it to you Bitch. You did a number on us." He came near me and started saying bullshit. "Just killing you would never be enough! We will take you alive and chain you up and take turns one by one till you die from it." He looked at me with those disgusting eyes and vulgar words came out of his mouth.

I shuddered abit. I wasn't sure what my fate was. But I don't want to go like this. I ran away from my father's care because I believed I could roam the world on my own. I guess I was just too naïve. Still I didn't regret it. Getting killed in the battle field was better than playing house with a fat merchant that my father wanted to sell me to. 'tsk'

'If I can't take him down with me I will kill myself.' I took a deep breath and got myself ready.

The bandit just smiled and ran to me to brandish his axe. My eyes were opened wide.

'So fast!' He is skilled. 'Then why didn't he joined from the start? Was he just playing with me? And his men? This is a scoundrel that needs to be purged!'

I used every bit of my strength to take the blow head on. He was just too strong. I lost strength on my knees and kneeled, He kicked me hard and sent me away and sent my spear flying with another kick.

He looked at me with those eyes and stepped on my hands. 'He won't let me suicide. I need to bite my toun-'He choked me hard and I was unable to do so. He smirked and took my mask away.


"Look what I caught. Quite a looker aren't you? I will keep you as a personal plaything haha." I had tears in my eyes and I didn't want to accept this fate. 'Why….'

*thistle…whoosh..slingg.. clip-clop*

I closed my eyes and heard some noise behind me. And after a second the grip loosened on my throat. Some liquid poured in my face it was warm and smelled of iron… 'Blood?'

I opened my eyes and in front of me where supposed to be a disgusting man, laid a corpse without a head. There was a knight in black armor on a white horse standing beside the corpse. He had crimson red eyes which were looking at me and his silver hair stood out. He had a Glaive in his hand. My heart was about to burst open.


'Calm down stupid heart.' I couldn't take my eyes of the young knight in front of me. 'I do feel like a princess from those tales…'

I got dragged into reality from my stupor when he finally spoke..

"Get back, more help is coming." He said in a commanding tone. For some reason I didn't mind it. It made him feel manly. I nodded to him in response with a smile. Then I realized I was covered in blood. 'SO EMBARRASSING…'

Then I heard him mutter something that sounded cryptic.

"Can't believe that Harbinger of troubles were right."