Beacon of Hope

Chapter 10: Beacon of Hope

"That day you burned like the sun, that reminded me that a sun exists. I almost forgot about it, staying in that hell..."

- Jabbar (LS 1205).


~* Continuation of the flashback *~

||Let your sins be never forgiven. ||


I saw a flash that almost made me go blind. I closed my eyes and my eyes… I didn't feel any discomfort.

'What's happening?' I was amazed. I couldn't look at the flash and thought the light will really burn my eyes but the pain never came. 'Am I immune to pain now?' I asked myself in a self-mocking manner. But I felt a warm sensation touching me.

"Mo-th-her" I blurted out with my choking voice. Because the feeling was the same as when my mother used to hug me.


Tears keep pouring down. There was blood mixed in the tear. My body was almost out of water it seemed. But I didn't feel discomfort.

I even smiled. I could feel the skin on my lips cracking. I had no idea how am I even standing. 'Is it the will to see this to the end? No, I think it's probably the last will of a dead man.'

The light subsided and I tried to open my eyes. Everything seemed normal. Just the difference being there was no fat man. The place where he was kneeling, there wasn't even ashes.

I looked franticly to search for the little boy. I couldn't find him. The girl on the bed was already dead… I shivered looking at her mangled body.

'Animal… Monster…'

I still did my best to look for the boy in the room.

"What you seek has long since passed, whom you seek however lays rest here."

I heard an aged voice speaking in a weird way. I turned around and saw a aged bald man with blind eyes and huge beard. He was carrying the little boy in his arms. The boy seemed sleeping. It must be exhaustion. I was relieved.

I wanted to ask something. But the man just waved his hand. The scenery changed and we were in a different place.

*surprised. Thud*

I was so surprised I fell on my buttocks. That was magic. Just like the little boy. I looked at the man. He seemed to feel my gaze.

"Years have passed, aged I have become. Little party tricks I still remember how to do." The man chuckled and looked at me. I felt weird because he was looking at me with eyes that lost their light.

"Sight! That I have lost, but young one the world is fair. When you lose something dear to you, you gain something in return." He smiled and gave me a little clay pot with liquid in it.

"Drink child."

I did as he said. I was perched to death almost. Even if this was poison I will gladly drink… Either I wet my throat or die from poison. At least the death will faster.

*Calming wave*

My body started to heal in a visible rate and I could feel half of my injuries being healed.

"Wonderful things, high potions are. But even it has its limitations child. The rest of the problems in your body, you need time to heal it."

I was grateful. I wanted to kneel but I was stopped by some force.

"Loyalty is precious, save it for your lord. Only bend the knee when you want to serve whom you are meant to serve." He spoke in riddles again.

"Th-ank you." I replied and I didn't feel much discomfort. It's just a rusty voice who hadn't spoken so long.

"You are much welcome child." The man smiled.

I looked around the room and wanted to ask something.

"The young lord is well do not fret. He just exhausted his Mana." The man noticed me looking around and replied.

"Why was he there? Why would a young lord go in a dungeon to save someone like me?" I asked. I had doubts about all this. Why would a young lord go inside a dungeon? And the boy seemed to go there sneaking and not as an invited guest. I wanted to know.

"Haha, Curious aren't we. Very well, as you might have noticed. The young lord is very kind. His nature, he would not even frown at someone who hits him. It would be good and all but he was born amidst royalty.

I his teacher do not want him to be under conspiracy as he cannot see the dark side of humanity." The old man started saying some weird things I couldn't agree with. How is being kind bad…. This old man must be a lunatic. His words aren't really making sense.

He continued, "But thank the deities the world is just. He was born in a precarious family but with abnormal amount of Mana. He was born to learn magic. And the fire elements favor him. Even I was astonished when I felt it on his last name day. Hahaha, it was glorious. I took him as a disciple because of that."

"But why let him go through all that!" I said in a slight loud voice.

"Fire magic is one of the strongest magic child. There are three emotions that fuel the fire. Love, Lust and Wrath. The boy is too young for Lust. So I tried to give him love.

I treated him like any grandparent and also a parent. The familial love that he did not get from his father or the motherly love he could not get from his deceased mother. I tried but could not fill that gap.

He could not fuel his flames with the love I and his friend could give. So, I drew this plan… To kill two birds with one stone." He said with a sad smile.

'He made this young child see all that to fuel his magic? What is wrong with white humans? I don't understand. This world is messed up. Is this where I wanted to travel? All I met were people hungry for power, people with deranged mentality. They aren't humans. They cannot be humans.'

That fat man called me a Deakin because of my skin color. But these white humans are much worse. My family… mother…

Determination burned in my eyes. I made up my mind.

'I cannot let these people harm such an innocent boy. I am alive because of him. He is the only person who looked at me with those kind eyes. I could feel I was with my tribe when I look at him. Yes, I will protect him. I need to protect him from these white humans.'

I looked at the bearded maniac with burning eyes and said, "I would like to follow and serve the young lord."

"He is resting on the room next door. You can meet him later. You should rest now."

"No I will guard the young lord from now on! I would not let any of you greedy white humans go near him with ill intent."

I said and walked towards the room of my savior.

But I failed to notice the smiling face of the Old maniac.

'Fate… Such a weird concept. A Phoenix? Golden flames… I didn't think even fate would have forks. Lucian….'

The old man said words but only the void heard him.



.~* End of Flashback *~


Year 1212, 27th day of the 3rd month- Yearning Store Third Floor~

General POV~

"I apologize Lord Julian and everyone. I lost myself in anger just then." Jabbar bowed his head trying to apologize for his previous actions.

"It's all good Jabbar. You do know all of us are just as angry as you are, about our master's situation." Matron Marina said in a reprimanding tone.

"Yes forgive me. Where is the young lord, Sir?" Jabbar bowed again and asked the old knight.

"Don't worry lad. Your worries are understandable. But Little Lucian is fine. He used the verdict to the best of his abilities to not cause unrest and also to save himself from political strife to escape." The old knight said smiling.

"The young lord is probably in the church's orphanage with the other members of your party."

"Please Sir, Let us go there. It's been a year since I met our master." The Matron seemed very happy and eager and started for the door. Everyone followed her and just a few clerks handled the store.

The church was situated in the far western part of the city. It's mostly uninhabited with lots of trees and open cattle fields. Very few houses were nearby mostly of the farmers. It was like a peaceful countryside with fresh wind and as it was still early morning the subtle sunlight felt wonderful to the skin.

Julian and the rest went inside the church. There a middle aged woman in nun clothes greeted them. And guided them to the back yard of the orphanage when they asked the whereabouts of Lucian.

When they neared the backyard. They could hear laughter and chatter and sometimes surprised of children.

*chatter.. giggle..waoooo*

When they arrived they saw something mesmerizing. A golden haired young man was sitting and leaning on the big tree. He was holding a book and sunlight was peeking through the leaves and branches. Illuminating his being giving an otherworldly feel. A toddler was sitting on his lap looking at his face and smiling while listening to his narration.

There were children all around intently listening to his story with lots of emotion in their eyes. There were birds all around the trees seemingly came to listen as well.

A little robin even was daring enough sit on his head and looking at the scene curiously.

They all could hear his voice like a spell reading the story. Julian looked around and saw his party members entranced by the story and Mavis was sitting on porch and sitting on a chair with closed eyes.

"And they lived happily ever after." With those magic words the spell seems end and everyone came back to reality.

"WHAAAAAAAAA! WHAT WAS THAT STORY LUCIAN? SO GOOOD." Celine started shouting with her usual casual loud voice. Which woke up rest of the people.

The nuns that were standing in a daze all these time went to get the kids as the lords have already arrived. But were met with strong protest.

"We don't wanna go. Big brother tell us more stories pleaseee!" The kids started acting spoiled.

Lucian just smiled at them. And shook his head. "We can hear another story tomorrow everyone. But because all of you have been such good children. I will sing you a song and you will go obediently. alright?"


Lucian looked at the nuns and smiled. The nuns blushed and nodded then sat down again.

The atmosphere changed again. There was no music but the song was heard with the heart. As Lucian sang...

"There is my sweetheart down in the orchard,

Oh how I wish I were there myself,

There is the house and there is the barn;

There is the door of the cow house open.

There is the gallant, branching oak,

A vision, lovingly crowned.

I will wait in her shade

Until my love comes to meet me.

There is the harp, there are her strings;

What better am I, without anyone to play her for?

There's the delicate fair one, exquisite and full of life;

What nearer am I, without having her attention?

[A/N: The song is called Dacw 'Nghariad an Welsh folk song. Link: English lyrics ]

As the song ended everything turned silent. Some children were crying as they missed someone dear. All of them were orphans after all, Those that were too young to understand started crying loud. And the older ones sobbed with teary eyes. There were tears in most of the people's eyes and the others were looking at the distance in melancholy. Everyone missed someone after all.

Lucian stood up and smiled at the nuns who came and handled the children. He gave the toddler in his hand to the Head nun, she was the only child here who was sleeping peacefully in Lucians arm.

Lucian looked at Jabbar. "It's been a while Jabbar. How have you been?" then he looked at the Matron and smiled, "You look like a noblewoman now Marina."

Jabbar directly kneeled. "You are my beacon and my hope my lord. And looking at you again just made my resolution stronger."

everyone was surprised by his actions and were baffled by his passionate words. They also felt weird because the words came out of context.

Lucian looked at him confusedly. 'Where did those words come from. Is even Jabbar becoming weird like Mavis?'

"Jabbar get up. And let me introduce you to everyone." Lucian smiled and pulled Jabbar by the shoulder.

[A/N: Check The comment section for a Lucian hehe]