Even a Rat Deserves a Home

Chapter 15: Even a Rat Deserves a Home

"And I thought I had hunger problems..."

― Spike the Horse Guy


I turned towards one alley and break for a conspicuous exit as fast as I could.

And after another half hour of cat and mouse chase I was hiding under some rubble as I was out of breath. But I think I lost him.

*Huff… Hufff*

"That freak was so scary; I am tired as hell."

I was just relaxing when I heard someone beside me,

"Well let this freak show you, what to do with little rats shall we?"


Year 1212, 22nd day of the 4th month- Hayton- Yearning Living Quarters ~

Julian's POV~

I was looking at a child tied up and with some bruises on his face. He looked pitiful. Kind of reminded me of the young Axel when I trained him with Lucian. Hahaha…

Ah! Nostalgia.

Returning to the current situation. The child seemed to have stolen from young Axel and he hunted him down to get back his coins.

But what surprised me was he even brought him here.

Curious indeed.

From Axel's testimony the child had inhuman reflexes and a tenacity that most adults did not have.

I again looked at the child and he was glaring daggers at me which made me smile.

He seemed no older than seven or eight years old.


"Boy, care telling us your name?"

I wanted to start a conversation to understand the situation better.

But the child just kept glaring.

He wasn't begging or shouting nor did he show any kind of fear.

What willpower!

I wanted to test him a bit, so I released some aura at him.


He seemed startled and scared for a second but calmed down soon and his eyes now looked dead.

This tells a lot about this child…

He must have had experience with aura before.

"Answer the good knight what he wants to know. Stop being rude!" Axel was berating the child and I stopped him with a wave of my hand.

I pondered a bit. I really didn't know what I should do with him.

If what Axel said was true, then…

This child can grow up to be a strong fighter.

I looked at the light outside and it was already afternoon.


"Reila dear could you get three plates of lunch for us?"

"Right away Sir Julian."

Reila one of the clerks of Yearning a very charming young lass. She was an orphan like the others but now she is always cheerful.

I really appreciate how Lucian reinstated these poor children.

While I was in my thought the child in binds finally spoke…


Are you going to torture me by eating in front of me while I am bound?

Or are you going to beat me till I beg for food? Or maybe you will tease me with the food?

Heh… Try all you want… I HAVE WENT THROUGH IT ALL."

He shouted at the end and I was surprised. Axel seemed shocked. He looked at me.

"Sigh!" I couldn't stop my sigh from coming out.

This war torn country… Even the so called peace that is reigning between the countries, small skirmishes happen all the time. And these children are the real victim.

I look at the dirt covered child with dead eyes and black hair looking at the floor boards.

Even my brutal war hardened heart felt an ache.

"If Lucian was here….." Axel mumbled. Which got me out of my thoughts.

Yes, what would Lucian do if he was here. That lad is the most compassionate person this country ever produced. Someone that this country does not deserve.


I got up from my seat and went near the child he flinched visibly. I went near him and knelt on one leg and put my hand on his head.

He looked surprised and looked at me with wide eyes.

"I am truly sorry child, the protection of this country was the duty of us knights. And seeing you like this… I now understand how badly we have all failed you. And as one of the former protectors of this kingdom I deeply apologize to you…

I do not know what you might have gone through. But… I can tell it was anything but pleasant… I am deeply regretful.

But I promise you this. The lord we serve is different. He will not let you suffer like this any longer…"

He looked at me for some time then started crying and shouted with hidden sadness and anger in his voice, "LIES! THOSE ARE ALL LIES! NO ONE CARES….




I am a rat grew up in the street.

I have no home. I don-nt get to eat most days.

When I go near these kind nobles they frown and tell the guards to beat me away. I-I"

Before he could say any more I saw Reila run to him and took him in her embrace.

The child looked shocked and just kept crying. He cried and cried and kept talking about his past.

He had so much to complain. So so much. But this time he had people to listen to his complain.

Reila was crying and so was Axel. The young retainer of the lord now saw the darkness this kingdom bred.

The cruelty of the people in power.

I do not know how he will change after all this, but I hope he change towards how Lucian was. Lucian is a huge influence to these young people and he possibly was the perfect candidate to sue for peace in this war wrecked country…

He has the kindness and compassion and also the other important thing, Power. Just kindness will never change the situation… Not unless you have the power to show it.

'Dear Mistress Luciana… We failed your son, horribly…'

Relia kept trying to calm the boy down who told us his name was Casper. She told him how she too was an orphan and how her life changed after meeting the lord.

She then coaxed him to eat lunch and put the child to sleep in a bed.

No matter how strong he acted, he was a child in the end. A pitiful one at that.

Relia came to inform me that she will take care of the child till Lucian returns and I nodded in agreement. I also noticed Mavis leaning on the door frame. He was there the whole time but said nothing.

I stared at him and so did Axel, who was absent minded earlier.

"Sigh! If my liege wasn't so filial and less kind towards his family. We might have had a better rule… And not see… This."

I shook my head.

"You know very well that Lucian had all the strength to kill everyone in that hall that day. Yet he chose the option where he will lose everything. But that too kept the kingdom in a balance.

Only a few riots happened and no rebellion. The kingdom is still intact and we are winning on the warfront in the north.

I am sure Lucian could have quelled the rebellion with sheer pressure but he would lose the support of his people and not to mention."

I stopped and looked at Mavis. He smiled.

"Not to mention that would not be the King I would serve." Mavis replied.

That was the truth. We all serve Lucian because of the person he is not because of his blood or power. But how he uses that power.

Axel seemed deep in thought and suddenly got up and walked towards the room where Casper was in.


Isadora's POV~

It has been twenty-three days since I started this journey with a squad of my soldiers. It has been rough to say the least.

I was making as much haste as humanly possible which made my soldiers almost puke blood.

I could only sigh as I look at the poor souls.

Maybe we should take things slow… The weirdest thing was. We have heard literally no news of Lucian… How the fuck someone like him get lost in the crowd? I don't even believe a disguise can hide him properly.

Those eyes are just that unique…

Those eyes….


I slapped myself. Which startled even scared some of the soldiers. Sigh, what am I thinking at this point of the journey.

I don't even know if he is okay. Please be okay.

Some news would really help sigh.

We started our journey again and it looked like we are just half a day away from the Blackhawk territory. Which is good we can restock there.

Please Lucian stay safe. Then again I think a lot of girls are praying for his wellbeing which gets on my nerves as well.

When I see him I will hit him first then I will give him a hug.

A huge grin on my face which scared the living daylight out of my soldiers.


Spike's POV~

So, today I had the opportunity to go out shopping with lady Celine. It didn't turn out the way I imagined….


Lady Celine literally dragged me all around town window shopping and taste tasting various food stalls.

Even the old aunties were giving us giggling looks and some older couple looked at us smiling saying, "Such a cute couple."

Which earned my blush. I sure wish I could get someone as pretty as lady Celine but I shouldn't push my luck.

And I certainly do not want to be anywhere near such a violent, I mean active woman. Forgive my wording.

The older shop owner all gave us smiles and discounts after Lady Celine talked excitedly with them.

She seems to get along well with people. But she sure is loud, I mean youthful. Yes, youthful is the right word.

She bought a lot of clothes and a lot of food. We had a lot of money after all.

I wasn't sure why we were given so much but I better not spend it all. Need to think about the future. That's what lady Marina taught me, always have spare change on you.

Lady Celine was happily walking ahead while I had all the bags on me. I could hear her saying something along the lines.

"Would Lucian like some buns or some meat… Hmmmm."

Seems like the lady and our lord had a very close relationship. I sighed. But that was logical after all they are both nobles.

As we were walking and I was deep in thought I walked into a big man. He looked and smelled like a bear.

"A beast folk?"

I blurted out which pissed off the already annoyed man even more. He pulled me up by the collar.


Shit, I think I brought my own demise. I hope lady Celine can run while he beats me up. I dropped the bags and tried to struggle out of the man's grip.

He didn't budge a bit.

Damn it! What can I do now…

And at the worst possible time I heard someone speaking.

"Why are the bags in the ground? Huh, Horse boy?"

It was lady Celine, standing behind me with a popsicle pointing at the bags. I wanted to shout and tell her to run but,

She kicked the man on the face out of nowhere and said, "Why are you touching horse boy? And you stink teddy. You should shower more."

I was horrified. Now she had done it.

The man got up and wanted to hit back but then I saw something that scared the shit out of me.

Lady Celine started kicking the man without giving him any chance to breath. And in a few seconds there was a big old bear on the ground near us with bruises all over his body.

"Don't get my bags dirty next time stinky teddy."

Then she looked at me and ordered.

"Let's go Horse boy, I think I found a good gift for Hat guy."

I sighed and dusted myself then smiled. This was so silly, I worried about nothing.

"Yes right away, my lady."