Volume 1: Side Story- Angeline 1

Volume 1: Side Story- Angeline 1

Born too early~


Lunar Severance Calendar Year 1206- Whitefox Mansion~

30th Day of the Eighth Month~


The Black Haired Demon of the Whtefox family was having a staring match with her father, Lord Whitefox, Marquis of Rorengar. Today the beautiful black fox is wearing a ball room dress. She did everything possible to make herself look as glamorous as possible. Why you ask?

Well, the day was special. As it was Lucian Vince Franzer, the crowned prince's Name day. And our dear Angeline Whitefox, had her own plan for the evening.

But at the moment things didn't appear festive.

"The answer is NO, Angie. And I WILL not change my mind." Lord Whitefox stated strongly. Inside he was feeling dread, after he heard what his daughter requested. ' Ancestors be merciful, why is my battle maniac daughter acting like this?'

"AND WHY NOT?" Angeline shouted. She didn't understand the reason for her father's refusal.

"Sigh! To start with, the boy is eight years younger than you…" The lord sounded exasperated.

"Age is just a number. Look at beth, she married the king, who is twelve years older than herself." Angeline kept on reasoning.

Lord Whitefox's lips twitched. ' Just because her friend married someone who was so apart in age, she thinks it's okay for her… Not to mention she wants to marry the step son of that very friend… Ancestors please give me patience.'

"And you feel it is okay to become the step-daughter-in-law of your friend?" He really hoped his daughter would see reason.

"I don't particularly mind, I mean I could see her more often and bul- *cough* interact with her more." She replied looking away awkwardly. Even she knew it would be awkward.

The lord tried his best not to shout at this daughter of his. Because he knows that if she gets agitated then, there will be hell to pay.

" Again, the boy has already been promised to marry the princess of the Elves. It will be highly in appropriate to propose this marriage." He tried to make her see reason.

" It's fine, I can just be the second wife. It woudn't really affect me of my serial as his wife."

" He is just a boy… How can you even… No! This charade has gone long enough." Lord Whtefox finally lost his patience.

"I forbid you from proposing this marriage. I will not help you in any way with this matter. You can choose any other nobleman you wish. But his highness Lucian is out of the question. And that is final." He firmed his decision. He needed to take a stronger stance or this daughter of his might really break through the Royal Palace.

"Is. That. Your. FInal. Decision?" Angeline said every word separately and the air grew heavy. Any normal soldier or knight would fall to their knees feeling the pressure from an Expert Level Warrior. But Lord Whitefox was no ordinary man. He was proud of his daughter for reaching Expert level at such a young age, but he wouldn't let her destroy the balance between the kingdoms so easily.

"Yes!" He declared again, showing his stance on the matter.

Angeline stared at her father for a while, then took a piece of parchment and a quill from his work desk and wrote something. She then sealed the parchment and gave it to her father.

"Give this to him as his name day present from me. Tell him I cannot attend for personal reasons. And please convey my most sincere apology.

And do not worry, that letter doesn't contain any confession or proposal. I can at least respect you that much."

Lord Whitefox visibly relaxed. He trusted his daughter's honor as a warrior. She wouldn't'd blatantly lie. So he simply nodded as a reply.

Angeline continued, "And, can you draft me in the military? I want to… leave the capital for now. I really don't want to see your face for a while."

The last sentence broke Lord Whitefox's heart. His daughter was an aloof person, but he loved her like any other father. He again glanced at his daughter's demeanor, it changed, completely. She didn't seem like a noble lady anymore, but more like a soldier. Her eyes were void of the light she had earlier. They were indifferent. The crimson red eyes that made their family well-known now appeared frigid.

He regretted, he really regretted. But he himself, knew that there was nothing he could do. There really was no way to propose this marriage. It will cause a lot of complications.

He sighed and agreed with his daughter's request.

Getting the confirmation, Angeline turned and started walking towards the exit. Lord Whitefox paled after every step.


Angeline flinched for a moment, but she kept on walking. Her determination was unbreakable. She promised herself, she will get strong enough to destroy any opposition.

The military will soon know of her. The North will soon fear her. The annals of history will remember a name.

Angeline Whitefox, the Bloody Black Fox.