2 - Boy found in the forest

On the same day, Somewhere in the midst of nowhere, a boy opened his eyes. However, the soul in the body was that of a man. A green canopy spread above him, each ray of sun glinting off a dew, giving the impression he is in a paradise rather than on a forest ground. He could have lied down there forever, looking at the shimmering green leaves, shining dew drops if there wasn't a stone poking his spine. 

"Mo qiu... My baby !" someone is calling out there.. 

It sounded more like someone's searching for a lost boy. 

Mo Qiu was returning from the work, walking to his apartment with a beer and sandwich on a moonless night. His building is just around the corner when he felt something hit him from behind. Then he opened his eyes in this wild forest. He looked around. It's too green, and the air's too fresh for this to be his neighborhood, or any where near his neighborhood.

Did the person hit him thought he died, thus dumped his body here to get away with the crime? 


Wait.. if they did dump his body here, they had confidence that his body won't be found. How could a body be not found unless the wild beasts eat it away ? That means this forest is dangerous. He needs to get out. 

"Help.." he shouted.. 

He felt guilty to shout for help and delay the search for that little boy, but he needs to get out of here. Who knows what wild animals roam around in this forest. 

He swallowed his guilt, cried louder for help. 

Soon, people found him. 

"Mo Qiu" the men called him. 

For a moment, he is surprised. How do people know his name? He could not recognize a single person among the crowd that came for him. More than that, they are wearing ancient costumes... What the hell? 

He freaked out.. 

However, a wee little thirteen year old freaking out? It doesn't have much significance. Thus, the people around did a pat check, cried over his imaginary plight, then moved on to scolding and finally delivered him to a house.

A house that is decidedly not his home, nor is it anywhere near his home. How does he know? simple. He is a resident of Hongkong. Do you think an asian city has such beautiful wilderness representing a thousand year old forest anywhere nearby? 

Nope. Not just in his country, he bet no where in the world. Poachers and real estate agents would have cut it down long since, unless it is a national reserve. Behavioral patterns of greedy businessmen aside, there are more facts that do not match. 

For one, his house is made of concrete, has a light, water and gas connection and the best internet he could buy. 

This ..? 

This house belongs in a period drama, as the abode of some random cannon fodder mountain bandit. 

Yet, a woman is there, referring to herself as his mother. A man was around, who Mo Qiu did recognize as his father by all social cues… 

Mo qiu made a plan to run away as soon as everyone slept. 

However all his plans came to a halt when he saw his own reflection in the water basin. That light outline of an eight pack? That face that could probably make college queens fight over him? There is no way these would belong to him.. 



Unless he transmigrates. 


Now, he could only conclude the random wishing angel he donated a yuan to, is way too powerful. 

'Please, dear wishing angel.. If you are this powerful, then go all the way for me and get me a Miss universe level wife too.' Mo Qiu prayed, throwing his copper penny into the basket. 

Chi Jiu shu sneezed on the other side of the mountain. 

"Some one must be thinking of you." one of the little girls beside her commented. Jiushu doubted that very much, but she let it be.

Mo Qiu decided to enjoy his life now that he has transmigrated. He is a pro of transmigration novels, given he has not regained his memory till now, it seems this is more of a another world kind of novel than transmigration. Damn.. 

if it is truly another world, he badly needs a golden finger. 

'System, What is my mission? ' He asked. 




he tried multiple things after that, none of them responded with any. 

damn.. there is no newbie package, no welcome message.. This novel.. is too cruel. Author sama! you need to give more resources to your beloved male lead.. he cried out. 

it is only after he heard about angels ruling over this land. Finally... Finally... there is some hope. 

He happily skipped over to his wishing basin, closed his eyes, turned around, threw a coin and wished for a system. 

The coin landed in the water perfectly. a single drop of water rose to the top, shone golden and silver, then fell back into the water as if it was never there at all. 

'System, activate.' Mo Qiu commanded. 

... silence. 

'Fine. Be that way.' MoQiu pouted, and returned back to his parents. 

He liked this set of parents here. It's not that he wouldn't miss his own, but he still liked this set of parents whose only concern in the world is himself. 

His parents are both highfliers in his previous life. Born amidst an era of change, both of them grabbed opportunities with both hands. However, with growth, came responsibility. they are busy individuals, while MoQiu may have resented them a little in his childhood, he understood them after becoming a working individual. they could not help it. They were doing a rope walk, a moment of carelessness can plunge them into insolvency. He forgave them. He filled his lonely-ness with entertainment. 

Yet, he underestimated the inconvenience of coming to a medieval underworld. 

For one, there are no toilets. 

He is a through and through city boy. His grandparents were born and brought up in the city. Their grandparents were born and brought up in the city. The very reason his mother and father are high fliers now is because the investments their grandfather's father has made paid off as the city grew. 

He is not fond of camping, he certainly wasn't fond of hiking. He is a couch potato in the real world, and a couch potato, who could very well have happily lived like that for the entirety of his life. 

Here though, he lived on a mountain. 

Not just 'a' mountain, but 'The' mountain. 

Heavenly dragon mountain is where three mountain ranges meet one another. Eagle mountains from north west, dragon mountains from south west, monkey mountains from east form a ring of mountain barriers around imperial county. 

Eagle mountains are steep stone mountains. One stone layer on top of another, like some giant took a candle and melted earth fell one layer on top of another. They are more likely to stand like a pillar, with their top always wider than bottom. the village they belong to is situated on one such mountain. 

Dragon mountains are steeply angled mix of hard earth and stone. They tend to rise into clouds. their peaks are almost always in clouds. More times than not, giant birds make their nests atop their peaks. People can often see birds with wingspans of six meters or more in the clouds around peaks. The mountain besides them is the tallest mountain in this mountain range. Hence the name 'Heavenly dragon'. these mountains are full of ancient trees and teeming with wildlife. 

Monkey mountains are shallow earth mountains, more akin to rolling hills rather than a mountain. Most of the villages in mountain ranges tend to exist on monkey hills, given how fertile land of these mountains is. riddled with ponds and shallow streams, monkey mountains are rife with life. 

The wild beasts of prey graze on monkey hills, preventing humans from spreading too deep into the grassland forest. Some say, there is even a heavenly deer in the monkey mountains, it is as tall as a mountain itself, as wide as a stream. 

MoQiu's own house is located at the trifecta of these mountains. The tallest dragon mountain, the tallest eagle mountain, and the tallest monkey mountain are stuck together, forming a fairly deep lake in their midst. The lake flowed out in three places, forming three different streams. 

The village is on the eagle mountains flat top, while MoQiu's own house is built on the monkey hill. a stream passes right by their house, emptying the excess water of the lake into streams on heavenly dragon mountain. 

His mother says the stream continues on through mountain cracks, delivering water to more than ten villages down the mountain on the dragon mountain. On the other side, the lake dips, forming a river which flows around monkey mountain, then makes a turn against eagle mountain's base, then flows out to become the wolf river, which provides water to all of imperial county. 

Needless to say, with such nice forests around, the most common profession is either a farmer, or like MoQiu's father, Hunter. 

Today, he is shadowing his father for his first hunt. 

He is a bit excited and scared about entering the forest. It's  a primeval forest, with towering pines, little critters scurrying about everywhere. 

The first order of the day is to hunt two rabbits. 

His father showed him how to find the rabbit tracks, how to trap them. Traps are good and all, but hunting a rabbit realtime is the best. The animals caught in traps experience a life threatening fear, thus the blood in their veins is clogged. Moreover, when they struggle to get out of the trap, their furs are damaged. To get the best fur, an animal must be shot in the eye, and die to a single arrow. 

He held the bow at the ready. 

He was a couch potato in the previous life. However, he did have enough knowledge about fighting sports. He learned a form of protective fighting, though it's only during middle school. Only enough to count as self defense. 

He concentrated on the animal. 

pulled the string. 

his vision narrowed down to the rabbit's eye. 





he shot! 



That's a perfect hit !!!


"Father! Did you see that?!" MoQiu shouted excitedly, before the words slowly died out on his lips. There was paper confetti swirling all over the place… and glowing letters showed up in the very air.

Congratulations!!! You have activated the blessing of Hunter. 

Your innate talent is teleport. 

You have acquired the skill search. 

You can now use the skill search, and see any animal you have hunted once within a kilometer. 

MoQiu stared at the words dumbfounded. 

Finally... Finally... even he woke a system. By the looks of it, a gaming system, and with great talent. Teleport is always the most sought after talent. Even in 2020, teleport will be valuable. 

Thank you angel, for choosing me! He thanked the angel with all his heart. 

I promise I will use this talent well !! he added, in his mind.