Mole in the hole

"I can show you all the jade bangles I have, big brother. You can see if there's one you are searching for." Jiushu answered him. 

The man nodded his head eagerly. 

"Let me bring them in." she said, going out to her cart to bring the items in. 

The man followed her out. 

Jiushu scolded him internally. 

Though she called it a cart, what she has is a wearable wooden frame, which one hung on their back. It is a basket, on top of a basket. Jiushu usually carried a covered basket with her into the house. Another covered basket stayed outside. 

She pretended to measure rice from one basket, wheat from another basket, though she retrieved both from space. If she pretends the bangles are in the covered basket, then there's no way for her to pretend one of them is wheat…

She looked back at the man unwillingly, indirectly indicating he should go back. 

The man stared at her even more enthusiastically..