Rooftop house

MoQiu went to the MoGan's house, looking through colorful jars of poisons. His first order of business is checking upon his father, but he couldn't go at all, because he is not sure where formations are, neither does he know guard schedules and such.

When he saw ancient dramas, the main characters were awesome, breaking into prisons by bribing guards, etc.. However, now that he is here, he could see what a daunting business it is. 

He could almost feel the pressing ominous ness of detection formations as soon as he got near city prison. The guards, who are supposed to be very amenable to bribes, are most frightening and righteous looking warriors instead. They did a perimeter check alternatively every minute, even when MoQiu was five hundred feet away from them, he got tagged mentally. MoQiu could tell. The guards did not even turn their heads, but they are paying attention to his foot steps. 

MoQiu left immediately without fuss.