Tiny root of evil

As Jiushu neared the capital, resentment in the air strengthened. At the same time, the number of formations increased. The fairy mirror which was fairly unnoticeable became impossible to hide as she neared the capital. 

It is only when she is within a kilometer vicinity of the capital that she realizes the formation at the entrance of the city covers the entire city. There are no gaps in it. If she is entering the capital, she must go through it. 

Jiushu camped out farther and farther from the main entrance of the city, following the city wall towards the wilderness. Soon, she found it.

A tunnel, which is dug from outside of the wall into inside of the wall. 

Jiushu walked to it. 

"ShenXin! Does this tunnel work to go in to the city without being affected by the formation?" she asked. 


When shenxin answered that simply, it means the method works hundred percent.