Letter from the Lost

In the next two days, Jiushu did not even go near the surroundings of the Shu family house. 

She restricted the ancestral ceremony to two hours a day. 

In the Tang family ancestral hall, spirits appear every day. Each day, more and more spirits joined the ceremony. 

Jiushu stopped them from recording names the second day, and opened an ancestral book of lineage. 

She taught Tang Hu how to organize, and Xiao Xing can actually write names. 

It will be good writing practise for him. 

The remaining of the day, Tang Hu stayed in the house, dealing with the street children. 

True to his word, he contacted a group of children who spread all over the old city, watching over ghost houses and fallen families. 

This was at Jiushu's behest. 

The children came at the end of the day and reported what they had seen, or when they found something worthwhile.