
Mo Er Xing was left in mountain prison with enough food to last for two years, a map of how to get to the shopping altar. 

"Surviving is easy here. I am sorry we have to do this to you, but we have no choice!" Jiushu told him as she loosened his ropes just enough to get out, but not loose enough to get out fast. 

"As long as you find the shopping altar, you can totally exchange ores for food from all over the world! Good bye now! Write us a letter if you are willing to renounce your father." Jiushu said, waving her hands in farewell. 

"YOU!!! You shrew! You Witch! Come back and take me with you! Take me with you damn it!" Mo Er Xing shouted as he flailed against his bindings. 

Jiushu hardened her heart and left him. 

Some times, really good men make stupid choices in the leaders they serve. That kind of stupidity can not be cured, only curtailed! 

So, Mo Er Xing ought to stay here till the emperor is solved one way or another.