Dungeon conquered

Since the rules of video games seem to be permeating this world, Jiushu decided to take full advantage of the change. 

She cast identification on wandering animals near her camp. 

Tree lizard 

Level 1

Attack : poisonous bite


Tree Lizard has been added to the animal dictionary. 

From now on, all tree lizards could be identified with level, as long as a Nuwa's follower identifies it. 

The main point here is that the person has to be Nuwa's follower, in the sense one who's registered in Nuwa's temple one way or another. 

Jiushu wondered for a moment if the original Angel Vega tricked her mother into sleep or something. 

She could ask shenxin, but she's too lazy to worry about the politics of the angels. 

Anyway, she got her power. 

She could use it at her will.