
Jiushu retrieved the hoverboard, but did not immediately get on it and start flying. 

She checked upon MoQiu. 

He just finished his sword art training. 

He does it daily, regardless of rain or shine. 

Hells, she thought even if he was in a coma, he will do it in his own head Just to be sure. 

She will take him along with her to the other side of lake to collect remaining treasures and plant any species she is willing to leave here. 

After all, this is a swamp of considerable size, there's no guarantee there's no predator here which could kill a human. 

While she's probably good at wrestling, and escaping, former means she suffers injury at some point, later means getting imprisoned in this black lake. 

So, she took MoQiu who's good at fighting with her. 

"A'Qiu! Do you want to explore?" she asked. 

MoQiu nodded happily.