Mirror lake

Jiushu for a moment felt like the ground is shifting under her feet. 

After all, till now, no matter how much of an absurd question she asked Shenxin. Shenxin has always found a positive answer. 


But then, there is a reason this gas is used so frequently in the pesticides and chemical cleaning. 

This gas kills every thing living. 

So, Jiushu proceeded further towards fruit village the same way thousands of her ancestors did. 

Carefully, cautiously, watching every other step and taking care of their horses. 

Thankfully, the fog never crossed 5 feet distance. 

However, The group of them seriously thought them selves extremely near death when they were crossing the narrow foot path of 5 feet by the fog. 

This time around, they did not take any rest. 

They walked, they ate while they walked, and then they walked some more. 

There is no stopping.