The emperor's final goal

Jiushu and MoQiu explained to her every moment of what happened. 

Aunt Fa closed her eyes without emotion, stayed like that. 

It's visible she's trying to control her emotions. 

She opened them just as they were about to call the doctor. 

"I believe the emperor is trying to make himself the Oracle of this land. I and JingXuan always suspected he is gathering all the blessings unto him self, however, we never were able to guess how. " 

"The moment you steal some one else's blessing, you will be marked as demon. Moreover, the more you steal, the more blessings deteriorate. Now, I know how he is gathering those blessings." 

"First, he gathered the Taoists, so none but him would be aware of formations, predictions and otherwise. With one of their help, he made it so only Mo Family children will get blessings."