Folding at right time

MoQiu looked at the giant polar bears. He was of the same opinion as Jiushu. They are too big, too strong for them to fight. 

It is not a bad choice to retreat in the face of an impossible fight. 

On top of it, they both are aware. In this snowy terrain, mapping is impossible. 

Sure, Jiushu could plant seeds, and see them for some time on the map, but those seeds will eventually loose their life. 

They are not wrapped in frost and the weather in this area changed abruptly. 

Till now, they were able to use spirit energy to bolster themselves, but continuously maintaining it is impossible. 

Their breaking point is nearing. 

Thus, he took Jiushu, and flashed to the first place where he killed the polar bear. 

Then, they crossed over straight into the water area. 

Only, the water area is absolutely unrecognizable. 

It had but few plants before, but it looked like years have passed in this realm.