death note

The curse is dispelled, but the person who cast the curse ran away immediately. 

MoQiu was about to jump right out of the window and follow the miscreant. 

Jiushu stopped him. 

"No! That person is capable of illusions. I sense more spirit energy in a different direction." Jiushu said, pointing at a stealthy masked man slipping away in the darkness of the night. 

MoQiu and William both jumped out, but the perpetrators vanished too fast. 

They returned to the room dejectedly. 

The girl they bid on for the night sat in one of the chairs shocked, looking at them with wide eyes. 

Jiushu nonchalantly ordered her to change the dishes. 

She's too hungry from the excitement. 

It's been too long since they had their dinner. 

They had a light supper, then she told the girl to just rest this night. 

The girl looked extremely unwilling. 

After all, all the people in their party are good looking and young.