Deal with an ambiguous enemy

Jiushu did not turn around. 

"Prince Mo ErXing ? " she called out. 

The hand holding the sword trembled slightly. 

She could feel the shock of the person behind her without even seeing. 

"Are you the one who repaired the formation redirecting its energy to the city?" Jiushu asked him. 

"Who are you?" The person behind her whispered furiously. 

"Mo Yang, twenty third princess of the empire." Jiushu answered. 

Afterall, that is the real name of this body, despite her not going by it any time. 

"You are dead. Father confirmed by looking at your bones. We held a funeral service for you." Prince Mo ErXing is as confused as confused could be. 

"How much do you know about what's going on in the palace?" Jiushu questioned him. 

"I think it is you who needs to answer that question, not I." the imperial guard captain said, pushing the sword towards her neck once more.